Page 54 - EW November 2024
P. 54

Cover Story

         by academics of “unimpeachable integrity” to supervise and   EW was at the forefront of the restart school campaign. In
         regulate school and higher education.            a cover story titled ‘Why schools should reopen now’ (EW
         EW comment.    In  a  detailed  13-page  cover  story  titled   July), your editors highlighted the unprecedented damage
         ‘More government more governance’ (July), EW critically   suffered by the world’s largest child and youth population
         analysed the KR Committee’s Draft NEP 2019. “Debated,   by way of loss of learning and called for immediate re-
         deliberated and written over a period of two years, inevi-  opening of schools. “The balance between children’s safety
         tably the KR Committee’s draft NΕΡ 2019 contains several   against the Covid-19 pandemic and their right to protect
         valuable recommendations for                     their future livelihoods needs to be restored. The national
         the  comprehensive  reform  of                   interest demands no more time is lost in restarting India’s
         21st  century  India’s  obsolete                 long shuttered schools with adequate safety protocols,”
         education  system  across  the                   wrote your editors.
         board from pre-primary to Ph                        NB: Schools reopened in late 2021 after 56 weeks of clo-
         D… But unfortunately, the KR                     sure, and longer in some states.
         Committee  composed  as  it  is                  National Education Policy 2020.  The much-awaited Nation-
         of  establishment  academics                     al Education Policy (NEP) 2020, formulated after an inter-
         with  statist,  if  not  shop-worn               regnum of 34 years and incorporating most of the detailed
         leftist mindsets, has not been                   recommendations of the K. Kasturirangan Committee, was
         able to resist the temptation to                 presented to the public on July 29. The 65-page NEP 2020
         recommend strict control and                     mandates reconfiguration of the 10+2 school system with
         command of private education                     a new 5+3+3+4 school continuum to include three years of
         institutions which to all intents and purposes are doing   compulsory ECCE for all children countrywide in the 3-6
         very well, especially when compared to government owned/  age bracket; curriculum, pedagogy and exam reforms in
         managed schools and HEIs. What Indian education needs   school education to encourage conceptual comprehension,
         is the Central and state governments to focus on nurturing   creativity and critical thinking capabilities rather than rote
         the country’s government-run 1.6 million anganwadis, 1.20   learning; introduction of certified multiple exit and re-entry
         million primary-secondaries, and public undergrad colleges   options and a system of credits to be stored in a national
         and HEIs and lightly, if at all, regulate private education   ABC (academic bank of credits) digital repository; phasing
         institutions,” wrote your editors.               out the system of all undergrad colleges affiliating with par-
                                                          ent universities, and graded au-
         Covid-19 pandemic schools’ lockdown.             tonomy for undergrad colleges
         On March 16, the Union government an-            under a ‘light but tight’ regula-
         nounced the closure of all schools, col-         tory framework; establishment
         leges and universities across the country        of a National Research Founda-
         to control and check the spread of the Co-       tion and permitting top-ranked
         vid-19 pandemic. All major examinations,         foreign  universities  to  set  up
         including public entrance exams such as JEE and NEET   campuses in India.
         were postponed and several school-leaving board exams   EW comment.    Our  compre-
         in the states of the Indian Union abandoned midway. This   hensive cover story ‘NEP 2020:
         story was repeated in higher and professional education   Visionary  charter,  educracy
         institutions, which also had to close down campuses and   shadow’  (EW  August  2020)
         discontinue classes and project work mid-semester. Schools   carefully examined NEP 2020
         and HEIs were advised to move their classrooms to the on-  and its recommendations for reforming Indian education
         line mode.                                       from early childhood to higher education. It concluded
         EW comment.  Initially  your                     that the policy is an amalgam of high rhetoric clouded by
         editors welcomed the closure                     implementation uncertainty, because it has established too
         of  schools  as  a  cautionary                   many regulatory supervisory agencies. “Formulated after
         measure to protect vulnerable                    an interregnum of 34 years and crafted over four years fol-
         children  from  the  dreaded                     lowing recommendations of two high-powered commit-
         Coronavirus.  However,  with                     tees, the new education policy aroused great expectations.
         the  schools’  lockdown  coun-                   But NEP 2020 is an amalgam of high rhetoric clouded by
         trywide transforming into the                    implementation uncertainty because of its conspicuous fail-
         world’s  second  longest  (after                 ure to make a clean break from bureaucratic control-and-
         Uganda) education lockdown                       command,” wrote your editors.
         of  56  weeks  and  resulting  in                   NB. Four years after NEP 2020 was approved, the su-
         unprecedented  learning  loss,                   pervisory and regulatory committees it mandates including

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