Page 55 - EW November 2024
P. 55

for education are being slashed.

                                                          Landmark  fees  regulation  judgement.
                                                          Upholding two sets of appeals filed by the
                                                          Indian School, Jodhpur and Association
                                                          of Private Unaided Schools of Rajasthan
                                                          against the state government of Rajast-
                                                          han, on May 3, the Supreme Court read
                                                          down, i.e modified, sections of the Rajasthan Schools (Fees
                                                          Regulation) Act, 2016 (FRA). The appeals challenged an
                                                          order of the state government — upheld by the high court
                                                          — directing private schools to collect only 70 percent of tu-
                                                          ition fees — and no other — from parents for the academic
                                                          year 2020-21 since all schools had been under lockdown
         Approved NEP 2020 release                        during the Covid pandemic and were teaching online. The
                                                          state government contended that private schools had not
         GEC, NAC, HEGC have not been constituted. After writing   provided co-curricular education and transport and other
         the 484-page NEP draft, committees chaired by Dr. Kas-  services to students, and therefore parents were not obliged
         turirangan have drafted NCF-FS (National Curriculum for   to pay for them. In a detailed judgement the Supreme Court
         Foundational Stage) and National Curriculum for School   bench held that the right to determine the fees payable by
         Education (NCF-SE). But with Dr. K’Rangan suffering bad   students is vested in every school’s “management alone”
         health, all further work on writing curriculums for teacher   by the apex court’s verdict in the T.M.A. Pai Case, and that
         and adult education seems to have slowed if not halted. The   the state government has no right to vary the terms of the
         ground has been prepared for NCFSE, but the country’s   contrac between schools and parents.
         1.4 million Central government anganwadis have not re-  EW comment.  In an Education News report in the very next
         ceived the funding and upgradation necessary to implement   issue (EW, June) your editors welcomed the apex court’s
         the NCF-FS in the government sector. While ECA (Early   detailed and well-reasoned judgement as it “lays down im-
         Childhood Association) and the country’s estimated 55,000   portant principles of law which are applicable countrywide.
         private pre-primaries have welcomed NCF-FS, government   It unambiguously affirms the right of school managements
         sector pre-primaries which require Centre-State govern-  to determine the total fees payable by parents and upholds
         ment funding are in stasis.                      the sanctity of contracts between parents and schools”.
           Likewise, in K-12 education while 30,000 upscale pri-  Moreover with several state governments following Raj-
         vate (and Central government) schools affiliated with the   asthan’s example and succumbing to intensifying pressure
         national CBSE and CISCE exam boards have begun imple-  from parents demanding reduction of private school fees
         menting pedagogy and curriculum reforms mandated by   because of income and job losses suffered during the Co-
         NEP 2020, the vast majority of schools affiliated with 52   vid-19 pandemic, “this landmark judgement is a slap in the
         state examination boards are still stuck in the rote memori-  collective face of the Central and state governments whose
         sation pedagogies rut. And in higher education, the process   officials believe that they have an unfettered right to inter-
         of conferment of autonomy to even premier, top-ranked   fere with contracts voluntarily negotiated between citizens,”
         government and aided undergrad colleges by their massive   wrote your editors.
         parent universities has not begun, even as autonomous new
         genre private varsities enthusiastically welcomed by your   Common  University  Entrance  Test.  On
         editors, are rapidly closing the gap with best offshore insti-  March 21, University Grants Commission
         tutions of higher education.                     announced a Central University Entrance
           As a result, the teaching-learning standards gap between   Test (CUET) for admission into under-
         government and private education institutions is widening   graduate programmes of all 45 Central
         instead of narrowing. In the final analysis, it’s the conspicu-  government universities (including Delhi
         ous failure of the Central and state governments to raise   University and affiliated colleges) from the start of the aca-
         their annual outlays for public education that’s the root of   demic year 2022-23. The objective: to lessen financial and
         the problem. Unless this nettle is grasped, the backward-  mental stress of school-leavers having to write multiple en-
         ness of public education will persist. For instance in the   trance tests of undergrad colleges, to free undergrad colleg-
         Union Budget 2024-25, the Centre’s allocation for educa-  es and universities from the stress of conducting their own
         tion at Rs.1.48 lakh crore has declined as a percentage of   entrance tests and eliminate the phenomenon of popular
         GDP compared to 2023-24. Ditto in the states as govern-  colleges notifying sky-high cut-off scores in class XII board
         ment expenditure on populist freebies increases, allocations   exams for admission into some study programmes.

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