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Expert Comment

         Poor human capital

         development record

                                                                                 R.N. BHASKAR

               OR CHEST-THUMPING HYPER-NATIONALIST                           No of
               government and ruling BJP spokespersons claim-           Total   schools  Source
               ing that India is the world’s fastest growing econ-      schools  affected
         Fomy, the third largest global economy and set to                         Unified District Information System for
         become a viswaguru (world teacher), UNDP’s latest Hu-  One-teacher        Education Plus (UDISE+) 2021-22;
         man Development Report 2022-23 is a rude awakening.   schools   1,489,115 1,17,285  Reply to the Lok Sabha Unstarred
         India’s ranking has slipped from #130 in 2020 to #132 in                  Question No. 4178 on March 27, 2023
         2021. Many of our neighbouring nations — including Ban-  Government schools   UDISE+ 2021-22; Lok Sabha reply to
         gladesh — are ranked higher.                     without internet and   1,022,386 7,75,386 unstarred question No 646 given on
            Surprisingly, there is inadequate awareness within poli-  smart classrooms   Feb 6, 2023
         cy formulators and society that India’s greatest resource is   Govt secondary and   UDISE+ 2021-22; Lok Sabha reply to
                                                          higher secondary
         its people. There are too many establishment figures who   schools without sci-  117,439  61,421  Unstarred question No. 646 given on
         say that a large population is a developmental disadvan-  ence lab facility   Feb 6, 2023
         tage. But China was the world’s most populous country                     AISHE Report 2020-21; Rajya Sabha
         until last year. After Secretary Deng Xiaoping liberated the              answer to Unstarred Question No.
         Chinese economy from the yoke of socialism in 1978, China   India's GER (Gross Enrolment ratio) stands   655 on Feb 8, 2023
                                                          at a pathetic 27.3 — mocking the govern-
         averaged 10 percent per year GDP growth rate for 30 years   ment's claim of 74% literacy.
         (1978-2008) and showed the world that when human re-            
         sources are nurtured and rational policies implemented, a
         heavily populated country can become a global powerhouse.          Source: UNDP Human Development Report (2022-23)
            The real test of a nation’s strength depends on how it has   As many as 117,000 schools have just one teacher, teach-
         nurtured its human resources. But this is precisely where   ing all classes and all subjects. Moreover, 775,000 out of
         India’s record is pathetic.                      1,022,000 government schools are without internet con-
         • In terms of life expectancy, India has the worst record,   nectivity and smart classrooms. More than half of govern-
         except for Pakistan.                             ment secondary and higher secondary schools don’t have a
         • In terms of number of years of school education, India   science laboratory. With this degree of deprivation, how can
         once again scrapes the bottom, except for Pakistan.   our children compete with their peers in developed OECD
         • In terms of mean years of schooling, India is better than   countries in the new globalised world? The reality is that
         only Pakistan and Nepal.                         most of these children will become unemployable. They
            The sole consolation is that India’s data are better than   have wasted ten of their most creative years in schools that
         Pakistan. But that can’t obfuscate the reality that India is   actually destroy talent rather than nurture it.
         a pathetic also-ran in global rankings, and that its ranking   Further investigation of data will unearth the reality that
         slipped in 2021.                                 the majority of such schools and students are sited in the
            India’s primary-secondary education data is depressing.
                                                          Hindi speaking states of north India whose MPs dominate
                                                          Parliament. That is why the proposed delimitation of par-
         India’s HDI scores & rank                        liamentary constituencies under which the BJP govern-
                                                          ment at the Centre wants to increase the representation of
          Rank Country        Score  2021  2021  2021  2020  Hindi states in Parliament, is causing much heartburn in
           1   Switzerland     0.962  84.0   13.9   66,933   3  the southern states which have a much better HDI record.
           2   Norway          0.961  83.2   13.0   64,660   1  The situation isn’t better in higher education. A study
           3   Iceland         0.959  82.7   13.8   55,782   2  of the Central government’s own data indicates that In-
           4   Hong Kong, China (SAR)   0.952   85.5   12.2   62,607   4  dia’s GER (gross enrolment ratio) in higher education is a
           5   Australia       0.951  84.5   12.7   49,238   5  modest 27.3 percent of youth of college-going age (18-24).
           73   Sri Lanka      0.782  76.4   10.8   12,578   75  This is way below the 70 percent score of developed OECD
           79   China          0.768  78.2   7.6   17,504   82  countries.
           129  Bangladesh     0.661  72.4   7.4   5,472   128  The plain truth is that India needs to develop its abun-
           132  India          0.633  67.2   6.7   6,590   130  dant human resources. If we don’t do this soon, India will
           143  Nepal          0.602  68.4   5.1   3,877   144  become a country of much bluff and bluster but little else.
           161  Pakistan       0. 544  66.1   4.5   4, 624   161  The next HDI Index and Report will be out in March. I don’t
           Life expectancy at birth (years)  Mean years of schooling  have great expectations.
           Gross national income per capita (2017 PPP $)  HDI rank
                            Source: UNDP Human Development Report (2022-23)  (R.N. Bhaskar is a senior journalist, educationist, and researcher)

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