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Education Briefs
BITS-Pilani design school and their families’ well-being extends for admission into postgraduate pro-
Mumbai, february 15. Certified as an beyond our business interests. We grammes at the Birmingham Univer-
Institution of Eminence by the Gov- believe in the transformative power sity Law School. Meritorious students
ernment of India, the multi-campus of education and this scholarship will also be awarded scholarships.
Birla Institute of Technology & Sci- scheme is about empowering the next “Our partnership with SIU will
ence (BITS) Pilani, launched its BITS generation,” said Dr. Raghupati help students to benefit from the rich
Design School (BITSDES), Mumbai. Singhania, chairman & managing educational, social, and cultural ex-
BITSDES combines technology, busi- director, JK Tyre, speaking on the oc- perience of studying at our campus in
ness, and entrepreneurship with the casion. Birmingham — offering them a top-
creative arts to nurture a new gen- The flagship company of the JK tier education and excellent interna-
eration of future-ready design profes- Group, JK Tyre is among the world’s tional career prospects,” said Prof.
sionals. Top 25 manufacturers of radial tech- Adam Tickell, vice chancellor of
“Design is shaping the future of nology tyres for trucks, cars and auto- UoB, speaking on the occasion.
how businesses approach problem- motive two-wheelers. Added Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar,
solving and innovation. BITSDES pro-chancellor of SIU: “We are keen
will reimagine design education with to explore research collaborations that
a bold, trans-disciplinary, competen- MAHE-LabourNet will harness the potential of both uni-
cy-based approach. BITS-Pilani, with agreement versities.”
its rich legacy of academic excellence
and trans-disciplinary thinking, is Bengaluru, february 7. To redefine the
uniquely positioned to do this. In the traditional boundaries of humanities Northstar-HEPUTE
process, we will nurture a new genera- education, the Department of Liberal anniversary
tion of leaders who will use design to Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
create value and solve problems for (DLHS) of the Manipal Academy of Rajkot, february 12. Northstar School,
the world,” said Kumar Mangalam Higher Education (MAHE), Benga- Rajkot (estb.2016) and Switzerland’s
Birla, chancellor of BITS-Pilani, ad- luru, announced implementation of HEP University of Teacher Education
dressing media. the Centre for LabourNet’s Academic (HEPUTE) celebrated their fifth an-
BITSDES will introduce a four-year Research Endeavour (CLARE) pro- niversary of academic collaboration.
residential Bachelor of Design (Hon- gramme of LabourNet Services In- According to a Northstar media re-
ours) programme in the academic dia Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru. LabourNet’s lease, HEPUTE is a globally-renowned
year 2024-25, followed by a Masters capstone project is to “build lasting institution for teachers’ professional
degree programme and a faculty de- relationships between academia and development in primary-secondary
velopment programme for design industry in real time and enable stu- education. Its mission is to create
educators over the next two years. Ad- dents to gain valuable insights from strong synergies between teaching,
missions commence on February 26. the world of work and apply their consulting, and research to promote
learning to solving current business superior quality education worldwide.
JK Tyre girls scholarships challenges”. Northstar School is among few Indian
institutions working closely with HE-
New delhi, february 9. JK Tyre & In- UoB-Symbiosis partnership PUTE to facilitate mutual objectives.
dustries Ltd has joined hands with To mark the fifth anniversary of
the Tata Institute of Social Sciences Pune, february 15. University of Bir- this collaboration, Northstar hosted
(TISS) and Protean Vidyasaarathi to mingham (UoB) and Symbiosis In- 16 HEPUTE educators from Laus-
launch the JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi ternational University (SIU) signed anne, Switzerland at its Rajkot cam-
Scholarship Scheme for daughters of a memorandum of understanding pus for two weeks.
heavy motor vehicle drivers in Tamil to build an education and research “This partnership is aligned with
Nadu and Karnataka. The newly partnership. In addition to creating our dedication to providing progres-
launched scholarship program pro- a pathway for SIU students to secure sive learning experiences for the ho-
vides financial assistance ranging postgrad law degrees, the two univer- listic development and well-being of
from Rs.15,000-25,000 per annum sities will explore research collabora- our students. Northstar’s goal is to
for girl children of families associated tions, academic exchanges and stu- provide truly international educa-
with the road transportation sector. dent mobility opportunities. tion, with students and educators
“At JK Tyre, we recognise the in- Students from Symbiosis Law experiencing meaningful exposure
valuable contribution of commercial School (SLS) who meet required to global perspectives,” said Mohit
vehicle drivers to the transportation standards in their Indian degree Patel, founder of Northstar School,
industry. Our commitment to them programmes, will qualify to apply speaking on the occasion.