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a large number of boys are dropping   a share of the total industrial output   Psephologists in Kolkata agree that
         out of the school  system.  A survey   of India plunged from 9.8 percent in   Banerjee’s welfare schemes, especial-
         released in July 2021 by the Unified   1980-81 to 5 percent in 1997.   ly for education, played a major role
         District Information System for Edu-  However, high hopes of an indus-  in TMC bucking anti-incumbency and
         cation Plus (UDISE+) has highlighted   trial revival after the Mamata Baner-  winning three consecutive assembly
         that while the dropout rate of girls is   jee-led TMC routed the CPM-led Left   elections. But this time around, major
         13.6 percent, for boys it is 14.1 percent.   Front parties in the assembly election   scandals have surfaced in the educa-
         Unsurprisingly, the number of regis-  of 2011, have been belied. Instead of   tion sector, especially several teacher
         tered unemployed youth in Bengal is   rejecting agitational Marxist politics,   recruitment scams forcing the Cal-
         a massive at 7.6 million.        Banerjee and TMC party cadres have   cutta high court to freeze recruit-
           Although Banerjee’s critics blame   continued the state’s tradition of con-  ment. Moreover, recent incidents of
         the TMC government for high un-  frontational  anti-industry  policies   violence perpetrated by TMC cadres
         employment, Bengal’s job market   which have depressed business confi-  against women of Sandeshkhali vil-
         started deteriorating during 34 years   dence and failed to attract investment   lage in the North 24-Parganas has
         of uninterrupted rule (1977-2011) of   necessary for generating employment.   dented Banerjee’s pro-women femi-
         the CPM (Communist Party of India-  As a result, overt and disguised unem-  nist image.
         Marxist)-led Left Front government   ployment is rife in the state which un-  In General Election 2019, BJP
         when labour militancy and violence   til the mid-1960s was the industry and   bagged 18 of Bengal’s 42 Lok Sabha
         was  officially  encouraged  and  there   commerce epicentre of India.  seats — up from a mere 2  in 2014.
         was a continuous flight of capital and   West Bengal’s 2024-25 budget   This time with prime minister Naren-
         industry from the state. The damage   packed with welfare schemes has   dra Modi having set the target of BJP
         suffered  by  West  Bengal’s  economy   ballooned the state’s fiscal deficit to   winning all 42 Lok Sabha seats in the
         by capital flight during the Left Front   Rs.68,250 crore, nearly 37 percent   General Election 2024, Mamata Ba-
         government rule was huge. The value   higher than in 2023-24, stoking fear   nerjee has a real fight on her hands.
         of industrial output of West Bengal as   of inflation.                              Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)

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