Page 30 - March EW PDF 24
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Education Notes

           TAMIL NADU             ter Kuber Dindor admit-  cause harm to other chil-  first Skill India Centre
         IIT-M sports quota       ted that 9,218 teachers   dren, says a Directorate of   (SIC). It will annually
                                  — 3,350 class X and 5,868   Education (DoE) circular.  upskill over 1,200 Indian
         New delhi, february 2.   class XII — had commit-    “It is imperative for all   youth in high demand
         From the new academic    ted totaling errors during   schools to implement a   vocations such as media
         year beginning July 2024,   assessment of board exam   streamlined framework   & entertainment, leather
         Indian Institute of Tech-  answer papers in the   for ensuring good safety   products, tourism & hospi-
         nology (IIT)-Madras will   academic years 2022 and   practices for students,   tality, and IT-ITeS.
         introduce two supernu-   2023. A fine of Rs.1,600   parents and staff. Heads of   “New-age and future
         merary sports quota seats   has been imposed on all   schools should also ensure   skills courses are available
         in every undergrad pro-  these teachers.         that CCTVs are installed in   at considerably higher cost
         gram, announced director                         schools and functional all   in global markets. The
         V. Kamakoti. The idea was    UTTAR PRADESH       the time. Visitors should   introduction of low-cost
         mooted by IIT-Madras     Budget largesse         not be allowed to enter   courses through SIC will
         before the IIT Council in                        classrooms and staff     empower our youth and
         2023.                    Lucknow, february 5. In   rooms,” says the circular.  make them a part of the
           Addressing a press     the Uttar Pradesh budget                         evolving jobs market,” said
         conference, the director   2024-25 presented in the    HIMACHAL PRADESH   the minister speaking on
         said: “IIT-Madras is set   state assembly, a sum of   Teachers study tour  the occasion.
         to offer Indian nationals   Rs.1,000 crore had been                         Skill India centres in
         two supernumerary seats   budgeted for provision of   Shimla, february 22.   Angul, Bhadrak, Dhenk-
         per undergraduate pro-   free sweaters, shoes, socks   Under the state govern-  anal, Talcher and Deogarh
         gramme under the Sports   and bags to over 20 mil-  ment’s International Tour   (all in Odisha) are cur-
         Excellence Admission     lion class I-VIII govern-  for Teachers program,   rently under construction.
         (SEA) programme. We are   ment school children. Also   102 school teachers will
         the first IIT to introduce   Rs.1,000 crore for Opera-  depart for a five-day tour    PUNJAB
         sports quota and the idea   tion Kayakalp (makeover)   of Singapore to familiar-  Compulsory subject
         is to reward and encour-  for government primary   ise themselves with “new
         age students who have    schools.                technologies and teaching   Chandigarh, february 10.
         achieved a certain level of   Addressing a press con-  methods in education”,   The state’s school educa-
         sports excellence.”      ference, finance minister   said chief minister Sukh-  tion department issued a
           Candidates will also be   Suresh Kumar Khanna   vinder Sukhu.           show cause notice on a pri-
         required to have obtained   said: “The procurement   “The first batch of   vate school in Jalandhar
         the minimum class XII    process for providing   102 teachers selected    for failing to teach Punjabi
         marks to fulfill the eligibil-  uniforms, sweaters, school   from across the state are   as a compulsory subject.
         ity criteria for IIT admis-  bags, shoes, and stationery   scheduled for departure on   “The state government
         sions.                   for students has been dis-  February 24 and a second   is committed to main-
                                  continued. Instead, a sum   batch of 98 teachers on   taining the dignity of the
           GUJARAT                of Rs 1,200 per student is   March 15,” said Sukhu.   language and any disre-
         Careless teachers        being directly transferred   minister Rohit Thakur:   spect towards it will not be
                                                             Added education
                                  to the bank accounts of
                                                                                   tolerated at any cost,” said
         fined                    parents through DBT (di-  “The government is filling   education minister Harjot
         Gandhinagar, february    rect bank transfers).”   vacancies in the education   Singh Bains, addressing
         6. Over a period of two                          department on a priority   the media.
         years, an aggregate fine of    DELHI             basis.”                    According to a notifica-
         Rs.1.54 crore was imposed   New safety rules                              tion issued under the Pun-
         on 9,000 government                                ODISHA                 jab Learning of Punjabi
         school teachers statewide   New felhi, february 19. All   First Skill India   and Other Languages Act,
         for committing totaling er-  government and private                       2008, it is mandatory for
         rors while marking classes   schools in the national   Centre             every school in the state to
         X and XII board exam     capital have been directed   Sambalpur, february 20.   teach Punjabi as a compul-
         answer sheets.           to constitute committees   Union minister for educa-  sory subject in classes I-X.
           Responding to a query   for ‘surprise bag check-  tion and skill development
         during Question Hour,    ing’ to ensure no student   Dharmendra Pradhan    Paromita Sengupta with bureau
         Gujarat’s education minis-  brings any object that may   inaugurated the country’s          inputs

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