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Education News

         publication of number and periodic-                                          ate ways and means
         ity of papers published by doctoral                                          to comply with the
         students are stipulated by UGC and                                           government  notifica-
         a joint council of all IITs. IIT-M’s re-                                     tion. “After the NBASA
         quirement of a paper every semester                                          meeting, our school has
         is of doubtful legality,” he says.                                           started preparations to
                   Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)                                       effectively  implement
                                                                                      the revised timings in-
           MAHARASHTRA                                                                cluding changing meal
         Hasty decision                                                               schedules in the school
                                                                                      cafeteria, transporta-
                                                                                      tion, and other logistics
               circular dated february 8                                              management.  During
               issued by the state govern-                                            the PTM, we will also
         A ment’s education ministry ad-  Mumbai pre-primary students: sleep deprivation concern  inform parents about
         vising change of pre-primary to class                                        the rationale behind the
         IV school timings to 9 a.m onwards,   lar should have directed school man-  timings change and potential benefits
         has divided the educators and parents   agements to advise parents to adjust   for children’s health and well-being
         communities statewide. Expressing   their lifestyles and ensure that young-  and address parents’ concerns,” says
         concern over the issue of children not   est children get adequate sleep. The   Dr. Savita Sable, director of aca-
         getting adequate sleep because of “late   revised timings are also likely to cre-  demics and administration at Gold-
         bed-time routines and increased expo-  ate road traffic management problems   crest High, Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
         sure to entertainment,” the circular   for the civic management authorities,”   Nevertheless, there is considerable
         advises all schools to start classes at   says Dr. Swati Popat Vats, presi-  heart-burn about the unsteady break-
         9 a.m or later. Two-shift schools are   dent of the Early Childhood Associa-  away Shiv Sena-BJP government’s
         to adjust timings accordingly but no   tion of India (ECA) and president of   tendency  to  shoot  off  circulars  and
         schools are permitted to start pre-pri-  the 490-strong Podar Jumbo Kids   directives without adequate consider-
         mary to class IV classes before 9 a.m.   preschool chain where classes for pre-  ation and consultation. “Pre-occupied
           The circular has reportedly been   schoolers begin at 9 a.m.    with coalition politics, ministers and
         prompted by a study conducted by the   Moreover, the new timings diktat   pliant bureaucrats of this coalition
         State Council of Educational Research   is likely to throw helter-skelter the   government  tend  to  shoot  first  and
         and Training (SCERT) that examined   schedules of numerous schools which   worry about damage control later,”
         school timings across the state. It   run two-shift schools to accommodate   quips a harassed school principal.
         revealed that a large number of pre-  large student numbers in the land-  Nasrin Modak Siddiqi (Mumbai)
         primary and primaries start classes at   starved commercial capital. “Many
         7 a.m. The SCERT study opined that   schools in Mumbai including ours run    MADHYA PRADESH
                                          two shifts — a morning (starting 8.15
         the early start profoundly affects the   a.m) and afternoon (1 p.m) shift. The  ASER silver lining
         “operational rhythms” of preschool-
         ers especially during adverse weather   new timings circular will delay and
         conditions.                      disrupt both shifts as well as school   he annual status of educa-
           The SCERT study also prompted   bus transport arrangements. Work-    tion Report (ASER) 2023,
         Governor Ramesh Bais to voice alarm   ing parents will be specially incon- Tpublished by the independent
         over disrupted sleep patterns and ad-  venienced as it will clash with office   not-for-profit Pratham Education
         verse effects of modern lifestyle habits   timings. The government should have   Foundation (estb.1995), assessed the
         on students’ sleep quality and overall   consulted schools and parents’ asso-  learning outcomes of 1,514 teenage
         enthusiasm for learning.         ciations before issuing the circular,”   children aged 14-18 years from 1,193
           However, some sentient monitors   says Rohan Bhat, chairman of the   households in Bhopal and 60 villages
         of Maharashtra’s education scene are   Children’s Academy Group of three   in Bhopal district.
         of the opinion that the government or-  schools in Mumbai.          ASER 2023 reports 62 percent of
         der has been issued hastily. “In an in-  With the government unlikely to   teens struggle with basic arithmetic
         creasing number of middle and work-  rescind the circular, Mumbai schools   tasks, such as division problems
         ing class households with both parents   are bracing up to implement it. The   involving 3-digit numbers and 1-digit
         working, the revised timing, which are   New  Bombay Area Schools’ Asso-  divisors, 48.85 percent struggle to
         concurrent with office hours, is likely   ciation (NBASA) conducted an ur-  read simple English sentences and
         to prove very inconvenient. The circu-  gent principals’ meeting to deliber-  42 percent have difficulty following

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