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Education News

           DELHI                                                           Union education ministry, in the first
         NAAC's second innings                                             stage, the binary accreditation system

                                                                           will be implemented from 2024
                                                                           after which no new applications will
                                                                           be accepted under the CGPA rating
                                                                             However, the previous grading
                                                                           system has not been jettisoned alto-
                                                                           gether. The A-E grading system has
                                                                           been replaced by a new ‘Maturity-
                                                                           based Graded Accreditation’ system
                                                                           to “encourage accredited institutions
                                                                           to raise the bar, continuously im-
                                                                           prove, evolve in-depth or in-breadth
                                                                           in disciplines from Level-1 to Level-4
                                                                           as institutions of National Excellence
                                                                           and then to Level-5 as Institutions of
                                                                           Global Excellence for multi-disciplin-
                                                                           ary Research and Education.”
                                                                             Although NAAC’s new binary
                                                                           evaluation process eliminates the old
                                                                           A-E grading system, some monitors
         NAAC headquarters, Bengaluru: new binary accreditation system     of higher education describe the new
                                                                           “maturity-based” Level 1-5 evaluation
                 ost sentient higher edu-  fect from February. This is in accor-  system as new wine in an old bottle.
                 cation leaders privately   dance with recommendations of the   Maturity is not defined in the min-
         Mlament the glacial pace at      final report of the Dr. K. Radhakrish-  istry’s January 27 press statement.
         which the mandates of the National   nan Committee submitted to the   However, the Radhakrishnan Com-
         Education Policy (NEP) 2020 are   government in early January. The   mittee says that under the new binary
         being implemented in collegiate and   committee was constituted under the   accreditation system, HEIs will be
         university education. The Higher   leadership of former ISRO chairman   categorised (multi-disciplinary &
         Education Commission of India    Dr. K. Radhakrishnan in November   research-intensive, teaching-inten-
         (HECI) — the overarching umbrella   2022 to propose reforms in NAAC’s   sive, vocational and skill-intensive,
         organisation mandated to preside   accreditation system following a   community engagement and service,
         over the entire higher education   rising crescendo of complaints of ir-  rural & remote location) and evaluat-
         system (excluding medical and legal   regularities, bias and corruption and   ed on the criteria of “orientation and
         education) — has not been consti-  “outdated static evaluation rubric”.  vision”, and “heritage and legacy” to
         tuted. NEP 2020 also proposed four   The Dr. Radhakrishnan Commit-  be awarded Level 1-5 ranking.
         independent verticals under HECI.   tee report finalised after incorporat-  In this connection, it’s also notable
         Three years after NEP 2020 was   ing public feedback and comments   that although NAAC was established
         unanimously approved by the BJP   on its draft released in May 2023,   as a subsidiary of the apex-level
         government at the Centre, neither   has recommended abolition of   University Grants Commission 30
         has HECI been constituted nor any   NAAC’s elaborate cumulative grade   years ago, it has not inspired much
         of the independent verticals.    point average (CGPA) system of ac-  confidence among HEIs. Thus far,
            However, on the issue of ac-  creditation for HEIs.            only 9,062 undergrad colleges (out of
         creditation of higher education    Under NAAC’s CGPA rating sys-  a total 43,796) and 418 universities
         institutions (HEIs), there’s been   tem, colleges and universities opting   (of 1,113) have opted for NAAC ac-
         some traction. On January 27, the   for evaluation were awarded A, B, C   creditation, which is voluntary.
         Union education ministry issued   and D grades denoting Very Good,   According to Dr. Pankaj Mit-
         a press note stating that the Ban-  Good, Satisfactory and Unsatisfac-  tal, secretary-general of Association
         galore-based National Assessment   tory. Those with scores of 1.5 or less   of Indian Universities (AIU), binary
         and Accreditation Council (NAAC,   are not accredited. The new binary   accreditation ensures a clear and
         estb.1994), UGC’s accreditation   system has abolished this grading   objective standard, providing stake-
         agency for HEIs, is switching over to   rubric.                   holders confidence in the quality and
         a binary system of grading with ef-  According to the statement of the   consistency of accredited institu-

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