Page 20 - March EW PDF 24
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                                          education as proposed by Sridhar   Engaging essay
                                          Rajagopalan in your cover story   YOUR TEACHER-2-TEACHER essay
                                          (February). Let’s not forget that   titled ‘The future of work’ (EW Feb-
                                          children are suffering severe learning   ruary) was engaging. I am inclined
                                          loss and are unable to comprehend   to share the authors’ optimism that
                                          new concepts in upper primary    2024 will usher in better work-life
                                          school. Delaying introduction of   balance, greater workplace diversity,
                                          English as the medium of instruction   and incremental adoption of AI and
                                          will burden them further.        climate change practices. Hybrid
                                                            Suman Ghosh    work certainly seems to be the new
                                                                KOLKATA    mantra with options to work full-
                                                                           time or from remote locations.
                                                                             Now the onus is on schools and
                                          Reassuring practices             colleges to produce graduates who
                                          I COMMEND team EducationWorld    have the skills needed to adapt to the
                                          for felicitating pre-primaries that   ever-changing workplace.
                 FEBRUARY 2024            have introduced contemporary peda-                   Suman Rao
                                          gogies and practices in early child-                 BENGALURU
                                          hood care and education through its
         Must-read cover feature          EW Grand Jury Preschool Rankings
         AS A regular reader of Education-  2023-24 (EW February). My hearti-  Rollout Ellie
         World, I enjoyed reading Sridhar   est congratulations to all top-ranked   THE NEWS item ‘PETA launches
         Rajagopalan’s insightful cover story   preschools.                Ellie’ in your Ed Notes column (EW
         ‘What’s wrong with India’s K-12    As a young parent, it’s reassuring   February) caught my attention.
         education and how to right it’ (EW   to read about preschools incorpo-  PETA’s life-size automated elephant
         February). I must commend the    rating ‘health, nutrition and safety’   Ellie is a really good idea to sensitise
         learned author for his diagnosis and   practices. Particularly for mothers   children to develop empathy towards
         prescription for righting the infirmi-  whose children are picky eaters,   animals and other living creatures.
         ties of India’s primary-secondary   school meals are a big concern. I   I really hope PETA does a
         school system, especially of the deep-  congratulate Bindu Gaddipatti,   countrywide tour to disseminate its
         rooted problem of rote learning and   director of Podar Jumbo Kids Plus,   message.
         grades inflation by exam boards.   Nallagandla for opting to serve local,          Shalini Baruah
           I recommend all education policy   regional, and seasonal food to pre-               GUWAHATI
         formulators, school leaders and edu-  schoolers. I hope other preschools
         cators to read this excellent story.  follow suit.
                            Simran Kaur                          Jyothi R  Mamata’s failure
                            CHANDIGARH                        HYDERABAD    YOUR WEST Bengal education news
                                                                           ‘Reckless neglect’ (EW February)
                                                                           does not surprise me, but is wor-
         Begging to differ                Inspiring young achievers        rying. I agree with the author that
         ANALYSING INDIAN education and   THE STORIES of two young social   most of the blame for the pitiable
         suggesting ways and means to set   innovators — Aryan Rajvanshi and   condition of school education in the
         things right is a decades-long debate   Haazik Kaizi (EW February) — are   state as indicated by the latest ASER
         (EW February). I am sure most of   inspirational. By integrating AI and   2023: Beyond Basics report should
         us agree that there’s urgent need   drone technology, I believe MechaC-  be attributed to the Mamata Baner-
         to raise the standards of teaching-  rop can go a long way in saving lives   jee-led TMC government.
         learning in schools countrywide.   of innocent farmers and their liveli-  When she came to power in 2011,
         In this context, I found it absurd to   hoods. Similarly Smart ship Ervis   she promised pariborton but now
         draw a comparison between Finland   also sounds promising for cleansing   in her third term, she has failed
         (pop.5.5 million) which hosts a mere   the oceans of plastic pollution to   miserably to root out the corruption
         2,999 schools and India (1.4 billion),   some extent at least, if not fully.   in education started by the CPM-led
         which has 1.4 million schools.     My best wishes to these young   Left Front government. God help my
           I am also not in favour of in-  changemaker achievers.          state!
         troducing English as a medium of                       H.G. Jain                       Sumit Sen
         instruction at a later stage of school                  CHENNAI                         KOLKATA

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