Page 25 - March EW PDF 24
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Indian Institute of Science, Bengalu-                                        monthly research
         ru, Karnataka’s forest cover reduced                                         grants plus free-of-
         by 2 percent between 2016-2023.                                              charge campus accom-
         Another report titled ‘Cauvery River:                                        modation.
         Land Use Dynamics Biodiversity and                                             According to
         Hydrological Status’ reveals that the                                        IIT-M insiders — the
         state has lost 57 percent of its natural                                     IIT-M management
         cover over the past five decades. Con-                                       from Director to PRO
         trary to popular belief, there’s more                                        refused to talk to your
         to forestry than planting trees. Forest                                      correspondent — this
         managers need to be well-versed in                                           directive has been
         forest floor flora and fauna and ecolo-                                      issued to ensure that
         gy diversity. Pity the state government                                      Ph D scholars “don’t
         isn’t aware about the critical impor-                                        fritter away taxpay-
         tance of inducting specialists rather                                        ers’ money by enjoy-
         than generalists into this increasingly   IIT-M doctoral scholars: workload objection  ing a prolonged paid
         important service.                                                           holiday”.
                Reshma Ravishanker (Bengaluru)   journals. Another gazette notifica-   Criticism of IIT-M’s new research
                                          tion of November 7, 2022, (adopted   paper mandate has intensified amid
           TAMIL NADU                     by the Academic Council on April 6,   growing reports of a rising number
         Research scholars’               2023) stipulated that five research   of suicides of Ph D students enrolled
                                          papers in refereed journals are re-
                                                                           at the prestigious IITs. In early
         row                              quired from Ph D students.       January, students at IIT-Kanpur
                                            Against this backdrop, the one
                                                                           held a candlelit vigil to mourn the
                                                                           death of a woman doctoral student
                                          research paper per semester stipula-
              he top-ranked indian institute   tion of IIT-M has come as a rude   — the third suicide at the institution
              of Technology-Madras (IIT-M)   shock to the institute’s doctoral   since December. Likewise, IIT-Delhi
         Thas introduced a controversial   students. Numerous telephone calls   reported three student suicides and
         mandate (January 15) requiring Ph   and emails to the IIT-M manage-  one by a Ph D scholar earlier in
         D scholars to publish a paper every   ment to clear this confusion elicited   2023. And last November, IIT-M
         semester. This policy change has   no response.                   took the unprecedented step of sus-
         sparked a backlash from students.   In this connection, it’s pertinent   pending a professor in the wake of
         Over 300 scholars staged a demon-  to note that IIT-M’s Ph D ‘students’   the death of a mechanical engineer-
         stration on the IIT-M campus on   are not students in the ordinary   ing Ph D student, bringing the total
         January 17 protesting the adminis-  sense of the word. They are postgrad-  number of suicides at the institute
         tration’s unilateral implementation   uate scholars awarded generous — by   since 2018 to 12.
         of new academic regulations for M.Sc   Indian standards — scholarships   Doctoral scholars typically
         and Ph D students.               ranging between Rs.12,400-37,000  “publish one or two papers before
            According to the protesting stu-  per month to conduct research to   submitting their thesis. The new
         dents, the IIT-M circular contradicts   add to the stock of national knowl-  system requiring Ph D scholars to
         UGC (University Grants Commis-   edge. In developed OECD countries   publish papers on regular basis will
         sion) guidelines for Ph D students.   where close collaboration between   impose great pressure and stress
         New UGC guidelines permit any    the academy and industry is norma-  on students. This could also result
         student who has completed a four-  tive, innovative research studies are   in the focus of scholars shifting to
         year undergrad degree programme   converted into commercial goods   quantity over quality, compromising
         to register for doctoral study.   and services valued at billions of   the rigour and significance of their
         Moreover in November 2022, UGC   dollars.                         research. Further, research in certain
         abolished the compulsory require-  However, one of the biggest rack-  fields may not lend itself well to fre-
         ment of scholars getting research   ets in Indian higher education is of   quent publication,” says Rajendra
         papers published in peer reviewed   unemployed/unemployable gradu-  Bhoopathi, professor emeritus and
         journals before submission of their   ates being inducted into doctoral   former head of mechanical engineer-
         final thesis. Subsequently in January   research programmes and spending   ing at Anna University, Chennai.
         2023, the commission mandated the   years researching arcane subjects    Meanwhile, a former Director
         publication of at least one research   such as African studies and Hindi   of IIT-M questions the legality of
         paper in refereed/peer reviewed   development, while drawing large   the new circular. “Rules governing

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