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Education News

         term in office — introduced a gender and child focused   THEY SAID IT
         budget to uplift women and promote holistic develop-
         ment of children with a sizeable allocation of Rs.96,271   “It's a democratic right of the farmers
         crore. The budget also allocates Rs.900 crore to class XI   to protest and come and be heard in the
         students to purchase tablets or smartphones under the
         Taruner Swapno (youth’s dream) scheme introduced in   national capital. I don't think the border
         2022.                                               with China is fortified the way this city is
           Since 2013 — two years after the Mamata Banerjee-led   fortified. The government should have learnt
         Trinamool Congress (TMC) routed the Left Front govern-  a lesson from the previous farmers' agitation
         ment in the assembly elections of 2011 — the chief min-  — consult the stakeholders. Last time it took
         ister has been making commendable efforts to improve   a year-long agitation before the government
         girl-child education in West Bengal’s 92,000 government   surrendered and withdrew.”
         schools. She has an-                                Shashi Tharoor, Congress MP, on protesting farmers
         nounced an array of                                 being stopped from enetring the national capital
         schemes   including                                 (Mint, February 14)
         the  popular  Kanya
         Shree and Sabuj Sathi                               “In the next 25 years, India will be unstop-
           Launched in 2013,                                 pable. From education to economy, all the
         Kanya  Shree  offers                                positivity will emerge from India...while cre-
         an annual Rs.500                                    ating wealth, we should focus on responsible
         scholarship for girls                               business and public welfare as well.”
         to continue educa-                                  Dharmendra Pradhan, education minister, speaking at
         tion; one-time grant                                the 68th Foundation Day of the All India Management
         of Rs.25,000 for girl                               Association (Deccan Herald, February 21)
         children from BPL   Sabuj Sathi beneficiaries
         (below poverty line) homes who clear the class X board   “For decades Indian politics has unravelled
         exam; Rs.30,000 after clearing the class XII board exam,   the country’s moral fabric. Politicians and
         and scholarships for girls pursuing post-graduate studies   officials, advancing their own interests
         in science and non-science streams. Under the Sabuj Sathi   rather than the public good, have become
         scheme, launched in 2015, 2.5 million bicycles have been   the antithesis of les grands commis de l’État
         distributed to girl students in classes IX-XII. However   — dedicated public servants esteemed in
         despite these incentives, the literacy rate of women in the
         state is 59.73 percent cf. 79.89 percent for men.   French civic culture. An alarming number
           n this context, it is also pertinent to note the one-time   of Indian legislators have criminal links.
         IRs.30,000 grant awarded to girls clearing the class XII   The embedding of Hindutva—the century-
         board exam is largely used to pay for marriage expenses.   old ideology of Hindu-centric Indian
         According to the Sample Registration System (SRS)-  nationalism—in political life under Mr Modi’s
         Statistical Report 2020, Bengal’s percentage of women   ruling Bharatiya Janata Party has promoted
         marrying below 18 years is 4.7 percent and between 18-20   intolerance and violence.”
         years of age 50.2 percent, against the national average of   Ashoka Mody, visiting professor, public and
         1.9 percent and 26.7 percent respectively.          international affairs, Princeton University, in an essay
           Moreover, according to the latest available Periodic La-  'Why India is stunted by a lack of moral leadership'
         bour Force Survey (2018-19), women’s unemployment in   (The Economist, February 28)
         Bengal has risen from 2.5 percent in 2011 to 4.4 percent
         in 2019. Yet despite incentives for girl children, against   “In the Ambani case, there is the spectacle
         61 percent of males, only 15 percent of females are in the   of the world showing up: From the Emir of
         labour force. Moreover against the national trend of a   Qatar to Rihanna. This is, in a vicarious way,
         larger proportion of women employed in education, in   the world paying obeisance to India. So what
         West Bengal, women constitute only 14 percent of teach-
         ers. All this has raised questions about the efficacy of girls   if India is not rich. At least it has the world’s
         education incentives doled out by the TMC government.   richest.”
           Critics of West Bengal’s feisty woman chief minister   Pratap Bhanu Mehta, public intellectual, on the grand
         highlight that with Banerjee paying excessive attention   pre-wedding festivities staged by the Ambani family
         to the advancement and emancipation of girl children,   for their son in Jamnagar (Indian Express, March 5)

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