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Young Achievers

                                                    of dawn followed by    following year, he smashed his own
                                                    an eight hours riding   record by building the tallest (15ft
                                                    regimen on six differ-  10 inches) replica of Delhi’s Qutub
                                                    ent horses. At the end   Minar, using 21,000 playing cards.
                                                    of each day, he spends   Arnav’s floor-to-ceiling masterpieces
                                                    time with the horses and   can be viewed on his YouTube chan-
                                                    takes them for a walk to   nel christened Arnavinnovates.
                                                    strike up a friendship   The only child of business couple
                                                    with them. “In between,   Neraj and Payel Daga and a class
                                                    I invest some time to   X student of the Sri Sri Academy,
                                                    study for my business   Kolkata, Arnav took to balancing
                                                    management degree      playing cards at age eight. Fascinated
                                                    programme at the Uni-  by this arcane craft and encouraged
                                                    versity of Paderborn,”   by his parents, he started exploring
                                                    says this determined   YouTube videos of master crafts-
                                                    young achiever.        man Bryan Berg. “The moment I saw
                                                      Currently, his train-  Berg’s videos, I knew I wanted to
              ANUSH AGARWALLA             ing regimen is intensifying as Anush   make stacking my passion. For my
                                          has set his sights on becoming the
                                                                           entry into the Asia and India Book
                                          first Indian to qualify for equestrian   of Records, I owe a debt of gratitude
              aderborn (Germany)-based    dressage at the Paris Olympics in   to my principal Gargi Banerjee for
              equestrian Anush Agarwalla   August. “The Olympics are a much   allowing me to keep my 16 ft Qutub
         P(24) was among 26 sportsper-    tougher test than the Asian Games.   Minar masterpiece in a corner of the
         sons conferred the prestigious   I will have to raise my game several   school auditorium,” says Arnav.
         Arjuna Award, 2023 for outstanding   notches higher. Nothing is impos-  What began as an extra-curricular
         performance in sports by President   sible,” says Anush.          is currently a daily three-hour com-
         Murmu on January 9. Anush won      Pegasus wings!                 pulsion. Most weekends, Arnav goes
         a gold medal in the team event and     Somasekhar Mulugu (Hyderabad)  on a city tour to shortlist heritage
         a historic bronze — India’s first —                               buildings for his future projects.
         in the individual equine dressage                                 “Stacking requires considerable
         event at the  Asian Games staged in                               investment of time, energy and
         Hangzhou last September.              ARNAV DAGA                  patience in a range of activities from
           With his businessman father                                     studying the architecture of build-
         Gautam Agarwalla and uncle hav-      or building the world’s tallest   ings to finding a suitable ware-
         ing learnt to ride in their youth,   (11ft 4 inches) freestanding   house,” says this never-say-die teen.
         Anush, who was raised in Kolkata  Fstructure showcasing four icon-  Currently writing his class X
         and schooled in the top-ranked La   ic buildings of Kolkata — St. Paul’s   board exam, Arnav is looking to
         Martiniere for Boys, was introduced   Cathedral, Writers’ Building, Sha-  taking on new challenges. “After
         to horses at age three by his parents   heed Minar, and Salt Lake Stadium   my Plus Two, I intend to enroll in
         at the city’s Tollygunge Club rid-  — in 41 days using 143,000 playing   a B.Arch degree programme and
         ing facility. Love of the sound of   cards without tape or adhesive, city-  qualify as an architect. After that
         hoofbeats and equines gradually   based Arnav Daga (16) merited an   I hope to build a life-size House of
         developed into a passion for horse   entry into Guinness World Records   Cards which people can physically
         riding.                          last December (2023). Arnav broke   enter and explore,” says Arnav.
           “I used to ride ponies until I   the record set 11 years ago by US
         turned nine after which I became   national and architect Bryan Berg,      Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)
         eligible for formal horse-riding   who showcased a free-
         lessons. But professional horse-  standing playing cards
         riding training in India is still in its   structure measuring 9ft 5
         infancy. For six years (2011-2017), I   inches of three hotels in
         attended weekend riding classes at   Macau (China).
         a well-known riding school in Delhi,   This is only the latest
         while a student at La Martiniere,   achievement of this
         Kolkata. I won two medals at the   extraordinary ‘ar-
         2014 Delhi Horse Show. But my real   chitect’. In 2020 at age
         training began in 2017 under Olym-  13, Arnav won an entry
         pic champion Hubertus Schmidt    into the Asia Book of
         in his Paderborn academy,” recalls   Records and India Book
         Anush.                           of Records for balancing
           Professional horse riding re-  a 10.7 ft tall replica (us-
         quires extreme fitness, discipline   ing 6,832 playing cards)
         and perseverance, asserts Anush.   of the Empire State
         His typical day begins at the crack   Building (USA). And the

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