Page 42 - March EW PDF 24
P. 42

Cover Story


         EDUCATION REPORT CARD (2014-24)

         In this General Election-eve story, we assess the track record
         of the Modi government — the first non-Congress government
         to have completed ten years in office in independent India
         — in early childhood, primary-secondary, skilling and higher


         T                HERE’S NO SHORTAGE OF REPORT    Indian economy has been “put back on the rails”. Unsur-

                                                          prisingly, report cards from opposition parties contradict
                          cards being produced by think tanks,
                                                          these assertions. The opposition Congress has presented a
                          media publications, opposition par-
                          ties and government agencies on the
                                                          detailed ‘Black Paper’ on failures of the BJP government
                                                          highlighting growing unemployment, inflation, “danger to
                          occasion of the BJP government at the
                          Centre having completed ten years in
                                                             Yet, this flurry of report cards evaluating the Modi gov-
                          office (2014-2024). Undoubtedly, this
                          is a landmark milestone as the gov-  democracy” and “authoritarian rule”.
                                                          ernment’s ten-year term are focused on the economy, na-
         ernment led by popular prime minister Narendra Modi be-  tional security, foreign policy and unemployment. A subject
         comes independent India’s first non-Congress government   unmarked and conspicuous by its absence is education, aka
         to complete two consecutive five-year terms in New Delhi.   human resource development — the foundation of a pros-
            As  the nation  readies  for  the  18th  General  Election   perous economy and nation. In this special election-eve
         scheduled to be held in April-May, in his round of election   cover story, EducationWorld (estb.1999) sets this glaring
         speeches the prime minister has awarded his government   omission right with a comprehensive Education Report
         full marks for ending the “demon of corruption” and “un-  Card of the Narendra Modi government.
         blemished governance”, economic progress, maintenance   Incontrovertibly the past decade has been eventful for
         of law and order and “Modi ki Guarantee” welfare schemes.   Indian education. While the BJP government’s first term
            Likewise, other top BJP leaders have acclaimed the past   (2014-2019) was marked by several controversies such as
         decade as “transformational” for the country. On February   assault on the autonomy of India’s showpiece IIMs by then
         9, Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented   Union education minister Smriti Irani and rejection of the
         a White Paper on the economy contrasting ten years of   T.S.R. Subramanian Committee’s National Education Pol-
         “misgovernance” by the Congress-led UPA government   icy Report 2016, in the second term (2019-24), the pace of
         (2004-2014) with a decade of BJP rule during which the   reform gathered momentum. In its 2014 election manifesto,

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