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Prime Minister Narendra Modi: eventful decade for Indian education

         the BJP’s big promise was that it would frame a new Na-  NEP 2020 promises a National Research Foundation and a
         tional Education Policy to usher in sweeping reforms from   green light for top-ranked foreign universities to establish
         early childhood to higher education.             owned campuses in India.
           After it won General Election 2014 with a huge margin,   The Covid-19 pandemic which shuttered all education
         the BJP government immediately set to work to deliver   institutions for over 80 weeks, slowed the implementa-
         this promise and constituted a National Education Policy   tion of NEP 2020. But since 2021, the BJP government
         (NEP) drafting committee under the chairmanship of for-  at the Centre has actioned several initiatives including the
         mer Union cabinet secretary T.S.R. Subramanian. However   National Curriculum Framework (NCF) for Foundational
         the Subramaniam Committee report, submitted in 2016,   Stage 2022 and NCF for School Education 2023 — two of
         was rejected for mysterious reasons. Another NEP Draft   the four curriculum frameworks recommended by the Kas-
         Committee was constituted under the leadership of space   turirangan Committee and incorporated into NEP 2020.
         scientist Dr. K. Kasturirangan (KR) which submitted a de-  The other two — NCF for Teacher Education and NCF for
         tailed 484-page report on May 31, 2019 to the BJP govern-  Adult Education — are expected to be announced soon.
         ment, after it began its second term in office at the Centre.   “The biggest positive of the past decade is that education
           A year later, NEP 2020, based on the KR report, was pre-  received high national visibility, whether it’s through roll-
         sented to the nation. The 66-page NEP 2020, formulated af-  ing out of a new National Education Policy after 34 years,
         ter an interregnum of 34 years, has been widely welcomed.   or initiatives such as the Pariksha Pe Charcha programme
         It accords high priority to early childhood education; man-  chaired by PM Modi himself. I give the government full
         dates holistic school education with compulsory vocational   marks for keeping education in the news and limelight,”
         learning; exam reforms to test children’s conceptual com-  says Prof. Rishikesh B.S, head of the Hub for Educa-
         prehension and critical thinking capabilities rather than   tion, Law and Policy at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
         memory; certified multiple exit and re-entry options and   According to Rishikesh, major achievements of the BJP
         a transferable credits system in higher education; phasing   government are NEP 2020 and subsequent National Cur-
         out the currently obligatory affiliation system for under-  riculum Frameworks for the Foundational Stage (NCF-FS)
         grad colleges and graded autonomy for undergrad colleges   and School Education (NCF-SE). “NEP 2020 was drafted
         under a ‘light but tight’ regulatory framework. Moreover,   after an extraordinarily participative and collaborative pro-

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