Page 48 - March EW PDF 24
P. 48

Cover Story

                                                                           states and Union territories and an
                                                                           independent State School Standards
                                                                           Authority (SSSA) for setting stan-
                                                                           dards for basic parameters (safety,
                                                                           security, basic infrastructure, teacher
                                                                           adequacy, financial probity and sound
                                                                           processes of governance). This elabo-
                                                                           rate governance architecture sits ill
                                                                           at ease with promises of autonomy
                                                                           and self-regulation made in the pol-
                                                                           icy document and raises fears of in-
                                                                           creased government supervision and
                                                                           micro-management  —  rather than
                                                                           liberalisation — of primary-secondary

                                                                           HIGHER EDUCATION

         Cheerful college students: several NEP 2020 initiatives           T       HE HIGHER EDUCATION
                                                                                   sector has been a particu-
         states allocate 10 percent of annual   failure to improve the learning out-  lar focus of reform/new
         expenditure for education within ten   comes of children in primary educa-  initiatives of the BJP gov-
         years.  Like  its  predecessor  govern-  tion. Year after year, the Annual Sta-  ernment during the past ten years.
         ments, the BJP government — despite   tus of Education Report published by   Achievements (2014-24). Several
         in its 2014 manifesto committing to   the independent Pratham Education   initiatives have been launched to im-
         increase public spending on education   Foundation, has been reporting that   plement NEP 2020 mandates. They
         to 6 percent of GDP — has failed to   over half of class V children in primary   include introduction of the four-year
         deliver this promise. (see graph p.46).  schools of rural India — which grudg-  undergraduate programme; a national
           Moreover, revision of school text-  ingly hosts 60 percent of the national   ABC (academic bank of credits) digital
         books during the past decade has gen-  population — can’t read class II texts   repository to facilitate certified mul-
         erated considerable controversy for   or  manage  simple math  sums.  The   tiple exit and re-entry options; phas-
         alleged ‘saffronisation’ of education.   latest ASER 2023 report released on   ing out the system of undergrad col-
         NCERT has initiated three rounds of   January 17, which field tested 34,375   leges obliged to affiliate with a parent
         revision in school textbooks over the   teens in the 14-18 age group, reveals   university, and notification of regula-
         past ten years. In the last revision in   that 25 percent cannot read a class   tions permitting foreign universities
         2022-23, NCERT was heavily criti-  II level textbook fluently in their re-  to establish brick-n-mortar campuses
         cised for removing references to the   gional language.           in India. Deakin University, Australia
         Mughal era,  India’s caste system,     Likewise, the government’s own   inaugurated its campus in GIFT City,
         the brief ban of the RSS (Rashtriya   National Achievement Survey (NAS)   Gujarat in early January becoming the
         Swayamsevak Sangh, the ideological   2021  confirms  that  learning  levels   first foreign university with a physical
         mentor organisation of the BJP) in the   of children are declining. According   campus in India.
         early years after independence, and   to NAS 2021, students’ learning out-  Over the past decade, there’s also
         Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.  comes declined as they progressed to   been an increase in the promotion
           Additionally, several important   higher classes. The national average in   of new higher education institutions
         milestones in independent India’s   five subjects (English, maths, science,   (HEIs) and capacity expansion. In
         political history including the assas-  social science and the dominant state   her Union Budget 2024-25 speech to
         sination of Mahatma Gandhi,  the   language) for which they were tested,   Parliament, Nirmala Sitharaman re-
         internal Emergency (1975-76), and   reduced from 59 percent in class III   vealed that between 2014-24, seven
         the anti-Muslim riots (2002) in BJP-  (in 2015) to 49 percent in class V, 41.9   new IITs (Indian Institutes of Tech-
         ruled Gujarat state, have also been   percent in class VIII and 37.8 percent   nology), 16 IIITs (Indian Institutes
         “tweaked” in textbooks printed by   in class X.                   of Information Technology), 3,000
         NCERT for Central government and   Another disappointment is regula-  ITIs (Industrial Training Institutes),
         CBSE schools.                    tory reform. NEP 2020 recommends   390 universities, 15 AIIMS and seven
           The  other  big  disappointment  is   a complex regulatory structure headed   IIMs, have been promoted. She also
         the Modi government’s conspicuous   by a Department of Education in all   gave the Modi administration credit

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