Page 52 - March EW PDF 24
P. 52

Cover Story

         Speed & scale reforms                                             fordable and high-quality education
                                                                           to India’s children.
              hishir Jaipuria is Chairman   such as PM SHRI Schools, National   • Fourth, we need a National Mis-
              of the Seth Anandram Jaipuria   Initiative for Proficiency in Reading   sion on AI (artificial intelligence) for
         SGroup of Educational Institu-   with Understanding and Numeracy   Teachers with an initial government
         tions and also Chairman of FICCI-  (NIPUN Bharat), PM e-VIDYA for   investment of Rs.2,000 crore for
         ARISE (Alliance for Reimagining   digital education, NCF for Founda-  training teachers in AI technologies.
         School Education).               tional Stage, NCF for School Educa-
                                          tion, and NISHTHA (National Initia-  Education brought to
                                          tive for School Heads’ and Teachers’
                                          Holistic Advancement).           forefront
                                            Achieving the prime minister’s
                                          Viksit Bharat vision requires an edu-  r. Deepak Madhok is
                                          cation infrastructure and academic     Chairman of the Varanasi-
                                          ecosystem that facilitates provision  Dbased Sunbeam Group of
                                          of quality education to all children   Educational Institutions
                                          and youth. A flexible regulatory
                                          framework is crucial, enabling every   Are you satisfied with the education
                                          education institution to excel in its   record of the past 10 years of the BJP
                                          area of expertise while fostering in-  government?
                                          novation and ensuring transparency.

                                          What should be the Top 3 education
                                          priorities of the new government?
                                          I would rather want to highlight the
         What is your assessment of the govern-  first 100 days agenda for the new
         ment’s efforts to implement reforms and   government. My wish list:
         initiatives in school education during the   • First, prioritise and invest in early
         past ten years?                  childhood care and education and
         India has been defined by its ambi-  foundational literacy and numeracy
         tion, aspirations, and eagerness to   (FLN). A PM-led National level
         narrow the gap with developed coun-  Information, Education, Commu-
         tries during the past decade. Under   nication (IEC) campaign should be
         the current leadership, the Indian   launched to increase national aware-
         education ecosystem is adapting to   ness of FLN.
         evolving trends and seizing opportu-  • Second, we need to improve digital
         nities.                          infrastructure in schools in mission   Yes, very. Education has been
           A major achievement of the gov-  mode. A national level assessment of   brought to the forefront of national
         ernment has been reforms at speed   K-12 infrastructure needs to be done   deliberations with the NEP 2020
         and scale. The visionary NEP 2020   to improve digital connectivity of   and NCF for the Foundational Stage
         has the potential to generate a seis-  schools countrywide. We also need to   2022 and NCF for School Education
         mic shift in K-12 education through   focus on addressing the problem of   2023. These documents are new
         a switch to experiential learning,   teacher shortages and learning gaps   guiding lights for school educa-
         critical thinking, problem solving,   of students.                tion. In years to come they will have
         professional development of teachers   • Third, liberalise private education.   far-reaching impact resulting in the
         and building a culture of research,   There is urgent need for the govern-  design and implementation of in-
         creativity and innovation. Another   ment to incentivise ‘high-quality’   novative teaching-learning processes
         laudable thrust area of the govern-  private education groups to expand   which will improve learning out-
         ment has been promotion of skill   capacity. I recommend permitting   comes and prepare our children for
         development and vocational train-  schools to be set up in the follow-  the fast-evolving world.
         ing through the Skill India Mission   ing three structures: government
         and Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas   funded/aided; private philanthropy;   What are the biggest education achieve-
         Yojana.                          private for-profit. This is a great way   ments of the BJP government?
           In school education, a number of   to attract long-term patient capital,   NEP 2020; NCF for the Foundation-
         key initiatives have been launched   generate competition and provide af-  al Stage 2022 and School Education

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