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tion.                            Burnwal was born in a low-income
                                          Future plans. Encouraged by public   household in Dhanbad (Jharkhand).
                                          response, EThames has drawn up   However, through determined study
                                          plans to expand the menu of indus-  and application, he became an
                                          try and job-oriented professional   academic topper in school. Subse-
                                          courses. “Certified GRC (governance,   quently, he performed creditably
                                          risk, and compliance), Certified As-  in the highly competitive IIT-JEE,
                                          surance, Certified IT risk and Certi-  often described as the world’s most
                                          fied ESG (environment, social, and   competitive engineering exam, to be
                                          governance) professional courses are   admitted into the Marine Engineer-
                                          almost ready. In addition, we plan to   ing & Research Institute, Kolkata.
                                          offer part-time courses in data sci-  After graduating in 2006, he was
                                          ence, analytics, and cloud technolo-  campus recruited by British Petro-
                                          gies, essential in today’s tech-driven   leum where he served for four years.
                                          jobs market,” says Gadiraju and adds   Following the trajectory of qualified
                                          that Indian industry is not interested   engineers, in 2010, Burnwal signed
         Gadiraju: industry-aligned programmes  in white collar business management   up for the high-ranked Institute of
                                          and commerce graduates. “They    Management Technology, Ghaziabad
         tion,” Gadiraju acquired EThames,   need to be equipped with comple-  (IMT-G) for a two-year fulltime
         an education brand started in Lon-  mentary skills that make them   MBA program. While a postgrad
         don in 2021.                     industry-ready,” he says.        student at IMT-G, he chanced upon
           Since establishment of the col-      Reshma Ravishanker (Bengaluru)  a notification of the National Talent
         lege in Hyderabad in 2009, 3,500                                  Search Examination (NTSE), offer-
         students have signed up (tuition fees   Scholarships              ing scholarships for class X students.
         range Rs.1.45-2 lakh per year) for                                This prompted him to recall his own
         EThames College programmes and                                    childhood when information on stu-
         1,400 have graduated and have been   consolidator                 dent scholarships was scarce, and he
         recruited by MNCs like Deloitte, EY,                              set upon a mission to gather scholar-
         PwC etc.                               SHUTOSH BURNWAL is         ships data. Scouring newspapers for
         Direct talk. “During my long career in   Founder-CEO of Buddy4S-  scholarship ads in the IMT-G library,
         EY, I discerned a huge and widening, a scholarships    he put together a database of 65
         gap between Indian industry and   aggregator firm promoted by the   scholarships available to the public.
         academia. The country’s universities   Noida-based Smiling Star Advisory   Direct talk. “I wanted to share this
         are churning out a large number of   Pvt. Ltd. Moreover, he is director of   data with the public, especially
         ill-qualified youth through delivery   Buddy4Study Foundation and Men-  students and parents. This led me to
         of outdated syllabuses and curricu-  tor of Change, the Atal Innovation   conceptualise a specialised website
         lums. On the other hand, India Inc   Mission of Niti Aayog since 2020.    for scholarships. Together with Raj
         needs graduates with well-developed   Established in 2011, Buddy4S-  Burnwal: scholarships website
         skills in emerging fields like cyber is an online platform that
         security, data science etc. To address   aggregates information on higher
         this problem, we have assembled a   education scholarships offered to
         group of highly qualified mentors   Indian students by government, non-
         and industry professionals from   profit organisations, corporates, In-
         top-ranked firms and companies   dian/foreign trusts, foundations and
         including Deloitte, EY, PwC, TCS,   universities. Moreover, it provides
         Infosys, and Accenture to develop   scholarship management services to
         industry-aligned study programmes   150-plus non-profit organisations,
         for our students,” says Gadiraju.    trusts, companies and government
           EThames provides students      agencies. Currently, Buddy4Study.
         full access to 5,000 courses on the   com has a live database of over
         Coursera platform, and to 42 short    70,000 scholars.
         duration business management     Newspeg. Last October (2023), Bud-
         programs by connecting students celebrated its 12th
         with the ManageMentor program of    anniversary.
         Harvard Business Publishing Educa-  History. One of four brothers,

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