Page 54 - March EW PDF 24
P. 54
Cover Story
• There has been a notable increase without a permanent chairperson for aimed at remedying learning gaps
in female enrolment — 28 percent eight years. through targeted interventions.
— in higher education, signifying • Failure to establish key bodies such Improving the quality of higher
progress towards gender equality in as the National Research Founda- education institutions. Despite
education. tion and the Higher Education expansion of higher education insti-
• Permission to foreign universities Commission of India reflects lack of tutions in terms of number, there are
to set up campuses in India has the commitment to systemic reform and concerns regarding the quality and
potential to enhance the quality and innovation. effectiveness of these institutions.
diversity of higher education. • NTA has faced criticism for techni- The new government should focus
• The establishment of a National cal glitches, unfair questions and on enhancing the quality of higher
Testing Agency (NTA) has stream- allegations of mismanagement, rais- education by stepping up investment
lined national competitive entrance ing concerns about the reliability and in faculty development, infrastruc-
examinations. integrity of centralized examinations. ture upgradation and curriculum
Failures While there have been significant modernisation.
• Despite ambitious targets set by initiatives and achievements in the Ensure equitable access to qual-
NEP 2020, budgetary allocation for education sector under the BJP ity education. The new government
education has remained stagnant, government, there are also notable must accord priority to initiatives
falling well short of the recom- challenges and areas that require promoting equitable access to educa-
mended 6 percent of GDP. Indeed, it improvement. tion for all segments of society. This
has decreased from 3.32 percent of requires improving access to schools
GDP in 2019-2020 to 2.50 percent in What should be the Top 3 education and colleges in remote areas, provid-
2023-24. priorities of the new post-2024 govern- ing financial assistance and scholar-
• Vacancies in faculty and leader- ment? ships to economically disadvantaged
ship positions in Central government Addressing learning loss due students, and removing barriers to
institutions have affected teach- to the pandemic. Learning loss of education confronting marginalised
ing quality. Nearly 50 institutes children during the pandemic has groups, including girls, children with
of national importance don’t have been significant. The new govern- disability, and from rural back-
chairpersons, with ten institutions ment must prioritise initiatives grounds.
Exciting & promising beginning Achievements and failures. The
initiative to deregulate the entry
raveen Raju is founder- of foreign universities into India
director of the CBSE (Delhi) and permit establishment of for-
Pand Cambridge International profit medical colleges are landmark
(UK)-affiliated Suchitra Academy, reforms. This will inject necessary
Hyderabad (estb.2011), which has over capital and diversity into our educa-
1,500 children and 120 teachers on its tion system. Similarly, the K-12
muster rolls. education sector urgently requires
deregulation and funds infusion.
Education track record of the BJP The initial steps are promising,
government. I am inclined to take yet achieving the grand vision of
a favourable view of the past decade India as an education superpower
because of several pioneering education requires sustained and comprehen-
initiatives. NEP 2020 stands out as a sive effort.
groundbreaking education reform which could revolu-
tionise Indian education with the introduction of new Top 3 education priorities of the new govern-
pedagogies that foster critical thinking and creativity ment.
among students. But more exciting is the beginning of • Deregulate and liberalise school education.
the deregulation process with the government permit- • Invest in digital infrastructure to harness new tech-
ting foreign universities to set up owned campuses in nologies such as AI in education.
India. I discern a promising future filled with dynamic • Motivate the country’s 29 state governments to imple-
and diverse education models. ment NEP 2020 on a priority basis.