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2023; National Credit Framework                                   • There can’t be differing govern-
         and National Institutional Ranking                                ment regulations and requirements
         Framework (NIRF). The govern-                                     for preschools in the states. How can
         ment has promoted new IITs, IIMs,                                 teacher qualifications; teacher-pupil
         and AIIMS. Moreover its emphasis                                  ratio; curriculum; fire and transport
         on skill development and vocational                               safety rules; and per sq. ft area re-
         training is also commendable.                                     quired for every child be different in
                                                                           every state? We need a Uniform Code
         What should be the Top 3 education                                for the Foundational Stage.
         priorities of the new post-2024 govern-
         ment?                                                             Significant achievements &
         • Better provision for training teach-
         ers to attain NEP 2020 goals.                                     notable challenges
         • Implementation of NEP 2020
         and the NCFs in their true spirit                                       ooraine Fazal is co-founder
         across the length and breadth of the                                    and managing trustee of the
         country.                                                          NCISCE (Delhi) and Cam-
         • Align and sync school education   NEP 2020, NCF for the Foundation-  bridge International (UK)-affiliated
         with the higher education system.  al Stage 2022 and NCF for School   Inventure Academy, Whitefield
                                          Education 2023; the PARAKH portal   (estb.2005) and Inventure, Yesh-
         ECCE given high priority         which will track the learning of every   wanthpur (estb.2024) — both in
                                          child from school to college; and
               r. Swati Popat Vats is     reconfiguring of the old 10+2 system
               founder-president of the   to 5+3+3+4 to include five years of   What are the biggest education achieve-
         DEarly Childhood Association     foundational stage education — three   ments and failures of the BJP govern-
         (ECA, estb.2011), president of Podar   years of pre-primary and two of pri-  ment during the past decade?
         Jumbo Kids (PJK) chain, and one of   mary. Also, the establishment of new   Achievements
         India’s most fervent proponents of   IITs, IIMs and AIIMS institutes will   • Introduction of NEP 2020 is a
         universal early childhood care and   augment capacity.            significant achievement with the
         education (ECCE) for India’s 165   Rather than failures, there’s   potential to transform the education
         million children below age six.  sluggish movement on the following   system comprehensively by shift-
                                          issues:                          ing focus to holistic development,
         Are you satisfied with the education   • Many states including a few BJP   flexible learning, and assessment
         record of the past 10 years of the BJP   states have still not revised nursery   reforms.
         government?                      admission age to 3 years in line with   • The establishment of new univer-
         Quite satisfied. As an early childhood   NEP 2020.                sities and colleges, including in the
         advocate and educator, I believe   • Standardised teaching qualifica-  North-east and Ladakh, has expand-
         remarkable changes have been in-  tions for ECCE educators have not   ed access to higher education.
         troduced in the early childhood care   been prescribed.
         and education (ECCE) sector. NEP   • Competitive exams are still putting
         2020 has accorded high priority to   high pressure on children, often
         ECCE by formally incorporating it   leading to suicide.
         into the school system. And for the
         first time we have a separate curricu-  What should be the Top 3 education
         lum framework for the foundational   priorities of the new post-2024 govern-
         stage — NCF-FS.                  ment?
           However, since education is a   • Think innovatively to solve the
         concurrent subject, reforms pertain-  problem of students’ exam stress. It
         ing to regulation of preschools also   starts from the top and percolates
         have to be implemented by state   down to the preschool level. It’s time
         governments.                     to rehaul assessment systems for all
         What are the biggest education achieve-  • There’s urgent need to set common
         ments and failures of the past decade?  teacher qualifications for the founda-
         Among achievements, I would list   tional years across India.

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