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Cover Story

           No. of new higher education institutions

                IITs        IIMs          Universities             Colleges                  AIIMS

                   23                                                                              22
                              20                1168                    45,473
                         13             723                                              7

             2014  2021  2014  2021    2013-14   2021-22       2013-14   2021-22       2013-14   2023-24

            Source: & All India Survey on Higher Education 2021-22

         for increasing female enrolment in   spite being announced in consecutive   a mere 4.69 percent of the total work-
         higher education by 25 percent in the   Union budget speeches from 2019 to   force in India is formally skilled (cf. 24
         past decade. Overall, since 2014, the   2021. Ditto the HECI Bill is yet to be   percent in China, 75 percent in Ger-
         number of students enrolled in HEIs   tabled in Parliament.       many and 96 percent in South Korea).
         has risen from 34.5 million to 43 mil-                            Therefore, the efforts and schemes of
         lion in 2024, she said.          SKILLS EDUCATION                 the Skill India Mission need to be qua-
         Higher education downsides.                                       drupled in mission mode.
         NEP 2020 mandates an alphabet soup         CCORDING TO PM Modi,
         of new regulators. It decrees establish-  A  “India has the potential
         ment of a Higher Education Commis-         to become one of the larg-  Dipstick survey
         sion of India (HECI) as “an umbrella       est providers of skilled
         institution” with four verticals — Na-  workforce in the world” and his gov-  EW conducted a dipstick survey
         tional Higher Education Regulatory   ernment has taken multiple initiatives   among selected K-12 and higher edu-
         Council, National Accreditation Coun-  to bridge the skills deficit in India.  cation leaders asking them to rate the
         cil, Higher Education Grants Council   Modi  government’s  skills edu-  record of the BJP government during
         and General Education Council. It   cation initiatives (2014-24). In   the past decade in critical educa-
         also recommends selection of indi-  2015, the government launched the   tion sectors and issues on a 10-point
         viduals of “unimpeachable integrity”   Skill India Mission to focus on skill-  scale. Their feedback:
         to regulate education in a “light but   ing, re-skilling, and up-skilling indi-  Early childhood education
         tight manner”. But as a spate of scams   viduals through short-term and long-
         including the recent NAAC accredita-  term training programmes. Under                       7
         tion scandal indicate, these individu-  the mission several schemes have   Primary-secondary education
         als don’t exist and/or are likely to   been launched including  the  Prad-
         misuse their power in office. Tight and   han Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana,                  6.8
         strangulating government regulation   Jan Shikshan Sansthan, National Ap-  Higher education
         of education — including HEIs — is a   prenticeship Promotion Scheme, and
         continuing bugbear.              Craftsmen Training Scheme through                          7
           Another area of disillusionment is   Industrial Training Institutes. As
         the rising number of faculty vacancies   of February 2024, the government   Skills education
         in public HEIs countrywide. Answer-  claims that the mission has trained 14                 7.5
         ing a question in Parliament (Decem-  million youth, upskilled and reskilled   Ease of Doing Education in India
         ber 2022), Union education minister   5.4 million.
         Dharmendra Pradhan revealed that   Skills education lapses. The In-                         5.6
         40 percent of teaching posts in IITs,   dia Skills Report 2024 published by   Liberalisation/deregulation
         31 percent in IIMs and 30 percent in   Wheebox in association with several
         Central universities are vacant.   agencies including AICTE, CII and As-                    5.2
           Moreover, the National Research   sociation of Indian Universities, says
         Foundation (NRF), proposed by NEP   that 48.75 percent of college/univer-  Increasing public spending on education
                                                                           to 6 percent of GDP
         2020 to incentivise interdisciplinary   sity graduates are unemployable. An-
         research, has not materialised de-  other report by TeamLease says that                     4.8

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