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         Ekya Nava innovator                                               structure have been purposefully
                                                                           designed to support its innovative
                                                                           curriculum,” says Dr. Ramamurthy.
                                                                           Future plans. Over the next five
                                                                           years, Ramamurthy’s plan is to
                                                                           multiply the number of Ekya schools
                                                                           and several other purpose-based
                                                                           schools. “Our focus is on enhancing
                                                                           learning experiences by ensuring
                                                                           every child is supported and val-
                                                                           ued. Simultaneously, we intend to
                                                                           intensify our teacher development
                                                                           programs to empower educators to
                                                                           experiment with innovative teaching
                                                                           practices, and expand our collabora-
                                                                           tive networks with industry leaders,
                                                                           career advisors, and higher educa-
                                                                           tion experts,” she says.
                                                                             Wind in your sails!
                                                                                   Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)

                                                                           Upskilling educator
         Dr. Tristha Ramamurthy: enhanced learning focus
               rovost of the reputed Benga-  Stanford (USA) universities with a
               luru-based multidisciplinary   Ph D in education from King’s Col-  ALI PRASAD GADIRAJU is
         PCMR University (CMRU), an       lege, London, Dr. Ramamurthy ven-      chairman of the Hyderabad-
         institution awarded private universi-  tured into school education in 2010  Kbased EThames College
         ty status by special legislation of the   with the promotion of Ekya School in   (estb.2009) affiliated with Osmania
         Karnataka state government in 2013,   Bengaluru. Since then over the past   University which offers three under-
         DR. TRISTHA RAMAMURTHY is also   14 years, the number of Ekya schools   grad programmes (BBA, B.Com and
         founder-director of the Bengaluru-  has multiplied to five with an ag-  BCA) to upskill students to make
         based Ekya Schools — a chain of five   gregate enrolment of (“confidential”)   them industry-ready and secure well-
         K-12 progressive schools. CMRU   boys and girls. The ambitious Ekya   paid employment.
         with its constituent technology,   Nava sited on an 1.5-acre campus in   Newspeg. To celebrate its 15th an-
         business management, law and life   Whitefield, Bengaluru's IT hub, is the   niversary, on February 19, Gadiraju
         schools, has an aggregate enrolment   latest addition.            launched the EThames Global School
         of 20,000 students from 40 coun-  Direct talk. “Ekya Nava has been   of Design which is set to offer in-
         tries around the world.          designed to transcend traditional   novative fashion, digital, graphic and
         Newspeg. Last November, Ekya     learning by memorisation to stimu-  interior design study programmes.
         Schools — a division of the CMR   late the inherent design thinking,   History. An economics and com-
         Group — launched a new concept   creativity, innovation, and love for   merce alum of Sri Venkateshwara
         school named Ekya Nava (new)     learning within children. The distin-  University, Tirupati and Acharya
         which is billed Asia’s first Maker   guishing feature of Ekya Nava is its   Nagarjuna University, Guntur,
         School of Innovation, Creativity   comprehensive integration of these   equipped with globally recognised
         & Design. The co-ed Ekya Nava is   principles across all levels of K-12   certification in Internal Audit, In-
         designed to initiate a novel ‘maker   education. We intend to nurture,   formation Systems Audit and Fraud
         movement’ in India to school a   encourage, and empower young     Examination from the US, Gadiraju
         young generation of creators, tinker-  learners through a cross-disciplinary   began his career in 1985 serving in
         ers, innovators, product leaders,   approach. Our curriculum integrates   several accountancy firms before
         change agents, and techpreneurs.   best practices from national and   signing up with Ernst & Young, Delhi
         Ekya Nava will admit its first batch   international educational frame-  in 1995. After serving for over two
         in the academic year 2024-25.    works with the core learning focus   decades and retiring as Managing
         History. A highly qualified business   on design, making and breaking,   Partner of EY, Hyderabad in 2019,
         management and education postgrad   entrepreneurship and innovation.   driven by “a passion to make a last-
         of the Singapore Management and   The school’s pedagogies and infra-  ing impact in Indian higher educa-

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