Page 44 - March EW PDF 24
P. 44

Cover Story

         cess led by a committee chaired by Dr.
         Kasturirangan. The government needs
         to be credited for incorporating most
         of the committee’s suggestions in the
         final NEP 2020. Subsequently, once
         NEP 2020 was approved the govern-
         ment has quickly acted to implement
         some of the provisions such as devel-
         oping the curriculum frameworks. For
         the first time, NCF-FS which accords
         high importance to early childhood
         education was quickly followed by
         NCF-SE last year. However, while it
         gets full marks for efficient and de-
         tailed education policy formulation,
         the government hasn’t increased
         the budgetary allocation required
         to implement NEP 2020. Nor has it
         fast-tracked the regulatory reforms   Out of school children: foundational stage education made compulsory
         needed, particularly to confer greater
         autonomy to private and public higher   for it to be implemented immediately”   Foundational Stage (NCF-FS) 2022.
         education institutions. I hope the next   with provision for “appropriate fund-  Child development professionals and
         government at the Centre ensures that   ing”.                     educationists welcomed the 360-page
         education gets the appropriate fund-  Its successor, the KR Committee’s   NCF-FS 2022 for unambiguously pre-
         ing needed to implement NEP 2020,   NEP Report went one better. It not   scribing play-based learning through
         and the implementation is done in its   only acknowledged the vital impor-  conversation, stories, toys, music, art
         true spirit,” says Prof. Rishikesh.  tance of foundational professionally   and crafts and prohibiting textbooks
           In the next few pages, we assess   administered ECCE for India’s young-  for children below age six.
         the track record of the Modi govern-  est children, but recommended recon-  Earlier on March 8, the BJP gov-
         ment over the past decade in early   figuration of the centuries-old 10+2   ernment launched the Saksham An-
         childhood, school, higher and skills   primary-secondary schooling system   ganwadi and Poshan 2.0 Abhiyaan
         education.                       into a new 5+3+3+4 continuum for-  — integrated nutrition support pro-
                                          mally integrating ECCE into elemen-  grammes — for implementation from
         EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND         tary education.                  2021-22 to 2025-26. Under the pro-
         EDUCATION                        Achievements (2014-24). The fi-  gramme, nutrition support is provided
         F       OR THE HIGH PRIORITY ac-  mittee’s ECCE recommendations  in   years, pregnant women and lactating
                                          nal NEP 2020 accepted the KR com-
                                                                           for children aged six months to six
                 corded to early childhood
                                          toto. Under NEP 2020, all children
                                                                           mothers, and ECCE to children in the
                 care and education (ECCE),
                                          education — three years of play-based
                                                                           grade 200,000 (of the 1.39 million)
                 EducationWorld can claim   are  entitled  to  ‘foundational  stage’   three-six age group. A target to up-
         substantial credit. Since 2010, Educa-  preschool education followed by two   anganwadis — Central government
         tionWorld (estb.1999) has convened   years of preparatory classes until   promoted centres for lactating moth-
         11 annual national ECCE conferences   age eight. By incorporation of formal   ers and new borns which also provide
         and initiated the unprecedented annu-  ECCE into the learning continuum,   ECCE — has also been set.
         al EW India Preschool Rankings, forc-  three years of early years education   Another promising ECCE initia-
         ing ECCE on to the national develop-  has been added to the 10+2 system, a   tive of the Modi government is the
         ment agenda. In its draft NEP report,   long overdue reform. Moreover, NEP   National  Initiative  for  Proficiency
         the T.S.R. Subramanian Committee   2020 directed the National Council   in Reading with Understanding and
         for  the  first  time  publicly  acknowl-  of Educational Research & Training   Numeracy (NIPUN) Bharat Mission
         edged that “pre-primary education   (NCERT), Delhi to urgently draw up   which has set a target for all children
         has been a neglected area in the edu-  a national curricular and pedagogical   in the three-eight years age group at-
         cation sector”. It recommended that   framework for ECCE.         taining foundational reading and nu-
         “pre-school education for children   Consequently on October 20,   meracy skills by 2026-27.
         in the 4-5 years age group should be   2022, NCERT released the first-ever   Failures  (2014-24).  The NEP
         declared as a right and a programme   National Curriculum Framework for   2020 commitment to universal ECCE

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