Page 38 - EW JULY PDF
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Cover Story

         Independent Schools Alliance (NISA),                              examination  boards  need  to  obtain
         which  has  a  membership  of  over                               approvals from state education min-
         60,000 mainly budget private schools                              istries, the Delhi-based CBSE/CISCE
         (BPS) with an aggregate enrolment of                              examination  boards  prescribe  their
         10 million children.                                              own infrastructure, teacher-pupil ra-
         T        HE ‘OTHERING’ OF private                                 affiliation. Even so, all affiliation ap-
                                                                           tios and other norms prior to grant of
                                                                           plicant schools are obliged to produce
                  schools  by  the  State  was
                  at its apogee during the
                  Covid-19  pandemic.  The                                 an NOC from their state governments.
                                                                           In the national capital Delhi, to pro-
         flood  of  GOs  worsened  during  the                             mote a greenfield private school, an
         82-weeks lockdown of schools — the                                edupreneur  requires  to  submit  125
         longest  education lockdown of any                                documents to the Directorate of Edu-
         country  worldwide.  For  instance,                               cation, which pass through the hands
         the  Rajasthan  government  released                              of over 40 education ministry officials.
         a  GO  every  week  of  2020  to  regu-                           (see box)
         late  private  schools,  culminating  in                            The  fallout  of  pervasive,  licence-
         a detailed 133-point guide to “oper-                              permit-quota  rules  and  regulations
         ate during the lockdown”. Not a few   Chandra: bankruptcy threat  — most of them discretionary — is
         state governments across the country                              that education has transformed into
         issued arbitrary circulars directing   government  regulation  to  provide   one of the most corrupt sectors of the
         private schools to reduce tuition fees   quality  education  to  children,”  says   Indian economy. Despite the credit-
         during  the  lockdown,  and  in  some   Dr. Amit Chandra,  CEO  of  the   able contribution of private schools
         cases  even  imposed  a  moratorium   Centre for Civil Society, a Delhi-based   to the national development effort, at
         on fees collection. As a result, private   think tank.            every stage corrupt educracies of state
         schools, BPS in particular, which are   Harassment of private school pro-  governments harass, intimidate and
         wholly dependent on tuition fees rev-  moters begins when plans to promote   shake down private school promoters
         enue, suffered heavy financial losses.   greenfield schools are on the drawing   and managements.
         According to U-DISE (2022), 2 per-  board. Edupreneurs have to fulfil a be-  In Karnataka, continuous and ris-
         cent of the country’s BPS shut down   wildering number of conditions to get   ing official corruption in the educa-
         during the pandemic. Yet during this   the green light from state education   tion ministry forced an association of
         very trying period for private unaided   ministries. Private school promoters,   private schools to complain directly to
         schools, the government didn’t extend   whether a collection of like-minded   Prime Minister Narendra Modi. On
         financial aid such as the COVID Emer-  people or a corporate entity, must reg-  August  26,  2022,  the  13,000-mem-
         gency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme   ister under s.8 of the Companies Act,   bers-strong RUPSA (Registered Un-
         (ECLGS) made available to micro and   2013 as a not-for-profit company or   aided  Private  Schools  Association)
         small enterprises.               under the Societies Act, 1860, or as a   wrote a letter to the prime minister
           “During the pandemic, challenges   charitable trust. Thereafter, they have   accusing government officials of this
         faced by private schools, specifically   to get land acquisition clearance, con-  then  BJP  ruled  state  of  extorting
         BPS, multiplied. Thousands of budget   struction, fire safety approvals, pro-  massive bribes for renewal of school
         private schools were confronted with   vide evidence of adequate infrastruc-  recognition, issuance of no-objection
         the prospect of bankruptcy, as unpaid   ture and teaching facilities — library,   certificates to new CBSE and CISCE
         tuition dues accumulated during the   playgrounds, number of teachers and   schools,  RTE  fees  reimbursement,
         lockdown because of confusing fee   students etc.                 and other routine administrative func-
         deferment directives issued by several   Moreover,  while  promoters  of   tions.
         state  governments.  Simultaneously,   greenfield schools affiliated with state   “Over the past decades, corruption
         schools were mandated to continue                                 has struck deep roots in the educa-
         paying teachers’ salaries and provide                             tion bureaucracy of Karnataka. Laws,
         online  education.  Bureaucrats  went   Edupreneurs have to fulfil   policies  and  regulations  governing
         into  overdrive,  believing  this  was  a   a bewildering number of   private schools are twisted for extor-
         good opportunity to get students back   conditions to get the green   tion and bribery. Right from registra-
         into  government  schools,  if  private                           tion which requires clearance from the
         schools closed down. Fortunately, the   light from state education   land revenue department, fire safety
         majority of private schools survived   ministries                 and PWD departments and comple-
         the lockdown and continue to brave                                tion of over two dozen documents to

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