Page 40 - EW JULY PDF
P. 40

Cover Story

         in which the Central and state govern-
         ments formulate education policy, op-
         erate government schools and tightly
         regulate private schools, and proposes
         separation of powers. Contradictorily,
         it dilutes the institutional autonomy
         of private schools by decreeing an al-
         phabet soup of regulatory bodies. “The
         four distinct roles of governance and
         regulation, namely (a) policymaking
         (b)  the  provision/operation  of  edu-
         cation (c) ensuring professional and
         quality standards in education and (d)
         academic work (sic) will be conduct-
         ed  by separate independent bodies
         in order to avoid conflicts of interest
         and concentrations of power, and to
         ensure due and quality focus on each
         role,” says NEP 2020 (para 8.6).  Kingdon: SSSA backsliding       Raju: over-regulation, mirco-management
         F       OR SEPARATION OF THESE   fees” by private schools.        Acts  and  101  corresponding  Rules,

                 functions, NEP 2020 man-
                                            However according to Prof. Gee-
                                                                           thousands  of  GOs  and  now  NEP
                 dates an elaborate schema
                                                                           vate  school  managements  to  run
                                          Chair of Education and International
                 in the states comprising   ta Gandhi Kingdon, professor and   2020-mandated SSSAs, require pri-
         the  Department  of  School  Educa-  Development at the top-ranked Uni-  through a gauntlet of rules and regula-
         tion for “policy making and continual   versity College, London and president   tions. The Modi-led BJP government
         improvement”  of  school  education;   of City Montessori School, Lucknow,   at the Centre has shown commitment
         Directorate of School Education for   the government is already backslid-  to improving ease of doing business
         regulating “operations and provision   ing on the issue of independence of   and reducing the compliances burden
         of the public (government) schooling   SSSAs.                     for business entrepreneurs.
         system”, and the all-important State   “Division  of  the  role  of  the  state   On Feb. 1, in her Budget 2023-24
         School Standards Authority (SSSA),   Directorate of Education as operator,   speech, Union finance minister Nir-
         “an independent statewide body” to   assessor and regulator of the school   mala  Sitharaman  announced  that
         “establish a minimal set of standards   education system and appointment of   the government has reduced 39,000
         based on basic parameters (namely   an independent SSSA is perhaps the   business/industry  compliances  and
         safety, security, basic infrastructure,   most important systemic reform pro-  decriminalised over 3,400 legal pro-
         number  of  teachers  across  subjects   posed in NEP 2020. However, three   visions. Indian K-12 education needs
         and grades, probity and sound pro-  years after the policy was approved by   to be similarly liberalised and dereg-
         cesses of governance which shall be   Parliament, there’s been no progress   ulated. Complying with regulations is
         followed by all schools).”       on this front. On the contrary CBSE, a   time-consuming and distracting for
           The critical importance of the SSSA   subsidiary of the Central government   private  school  managements,  prin-
         in particular, is underlined by the wide   which has 25,000 affiliated govern-  cipals  and teachers who should be
         powers conferred on this independent   ment and private schools for whom   improving governance and teaching.
         authority to direct private schools to   it  prescribes  governance  standards   Moreover, the uncertainty of an over-
         make transparent public disclosure   and  conducts  board  examinations,   bearing and discretionary regulatory
         of all regulatory information (i.e, fi-  has been appointed SSSA for Central   environment  is  driving  investment
         nancial accounts) on a public website   government and CBSE schools. And   away from education. Not only does
         maintained by SSSAs and to adjudi-  there  is  every  indication  that  state   every  regulatory  mandate  impose  a
         cate  “any  complaints  or  grievances   governments are set to follow its ex-  direct compliance cost, it also has an
         arising out of the information in the   ample and appoint state examination   unseen opportunity cost.
         public domain”. The prime function of   boards as SSSA. This will surely com-  Praveen Raju,  the  Hyderabad-
         the SSSA spelt out in para 8.7 of NEP   promise their independence and per-  based co-chair of  FICCI Arise (Alli-
         2020 is “protecting parents and com-  petuate discrimination against private   ance for Reimagining School Educa-
         munities from usurious practices, in-  schools,” warns Prof. Kingdon.   tion),  the  private  schools  advocacy
         cluding arbitrary increases in tuition   The  RTE  Act,  2009,  145  State   wing  of  the  Delhi-based  Federation

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