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mobile app (YOL), a Hap-                                                  to enhance their happi-
         piness Program, which                                                     ness quotient by adapting,
         can dramatically improve                                                  adopting and integrating
         students’ socio-emotional,                                                12 important components
         happiness and intel-                                                      of their lives — family,
         ligence quotients. YOL                                                    health, friends, wallet,
         enables them to control                                                   documents, outings,
         and calibrate their usage                                                 conscience, commitments,
         of distracting social media                                               ambition, confessions,
         swamped with information                                                  dilemmas, inhibitions —
         overload.                                                                 facilitating their recovery
           The YOL Happiness                                                       from digital addiction.
         Program has received top-                                                 With AICTE’s approval,
         level global endorsement.                                                 YOL can now be intro-
         The not-for-profit YOLF   Kochhar (left) & Chawla: top level global endorsement  duced by any university/
         has Prof. Phoebe Koun-                                                    college as a credit course.
         douri, Chair of the UN SDG-Europe   in 2013 with American psychiatrist-  In addition, the YOL app serves a
         and a member of the Evaluation   author Harold Bloomfield made him   very useful national purpose. It is
         Committee of the Nobel Foundation;   aware of the urgency of finding a so-  alarming to think that the minds of
         Dr. Saamdu Chetri, founding former   lution for young social media addicts   our children and youth are being
         executive director, Gross National   incrementally becoming “devoid of   recolonised, herded and traded by
         Happiness Centre, Bhutan, and    purpose, objectives and destination”.   Western media companies like Face-
         Prof. Philip Kotler, Distinguished   Following this epiphany, he quit   book which has one billion subscrib-
         Professor of Marketing of the Kel-  corporate life to take an entirely dif-  ers in India,” says Kochhar.
         logg School of Management, Illinois   ferent path. Together with Chawla,   Future plans. Not ones to rest on
         (USA), on its Board of Advisors and   he promoted the Dharamshala-based   their laurels, the duo has drawn up a
         Validators.                      YOL Foundation in 2019. “Our goal   blueprint to build YOLF into a global
         Newspeg. Since the app was       was to develop an app-based YOL   enterprise with a subscriber base
         launched in early 2022, it has also   Happiness Program that would en-  exceeding Facebook’s over the next
         been endorsed by Prof. Anil Sahas-  able children and youth to reclaim   four years. “YOL is a gamified app
         rabudhe, former chairman of AICTE,   their minds from the digital social   and will soon issue tokens against
         and is receiving “the serious atten-  media ocean in which they are   its usage. These tokens will then
         tion” of Dr. Padmakali Banerji, Vice   adrift. With a six-member team   become redeemable against goods
         Chancellor of Sir Padampat Singha-  of highly qualified designers, we   and services of various commercial
         nia University, Udaipur; Prof. J.P.   have developed the YOL Happiness   companies anxious to reach users of
         Pandey, Vice Chancellor of Abdul   Program App which enables people   the app,” explains Chawla.
         Kalam Tech University, Lucknow;   to measure the time they spend on   Wind in your sails!
         and Prof. R. Velraj, Vice Chancellor   social media leisure apps Facebook,   Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)
         of Anna University, Chennai. Accord-  Instagram, Snapchat etc — and sug-
         ing to Kochhar, these institutions are   gests ways and means to cut back   Little Elly engineer
         all set to introduce the YOL Happi-  and engage in creative learning,”
         ness Program as a 2/4 credits course   says Kochhar, also a member of
         blended with a major. It will be ac-  the World Happiness Foundation,   REETI BHANDARY is co-
         cessible on customised apps acquired   Florida (USA).                  founder of Learning Edge
         and owned by these institutions,   After the formal launch of YOL  PIndia Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru.
         in the new academic year 2023-24   in early 2022, Yogi and his team   The company is franchisor of the
         beginning this month.            made a presentation to then AICTE   130-strong chain of Little Elly pre-
         History. After graduating from   chairman Prof. Anil Sahasrabudhe,   schools in India and two overseas
         Punjab University and American   who immediately resonated with its   (Kathmandu, Seattle), which provide
         Graduate University, Miami, Koch-  objectives, stating that it will “rescue   early childhood care and education
         har acquired over three decades of   the mind on the same phone that   (ECCE) to children aged six months-
         corporate experience with several   stole it.”                    5-years.
         blue-chip companies in India (Tata   Direct talk. “The app not only mea-  Little Elly’s early childhood
         Tea, Essar, Microsoft India), the UK   sures time spent on leisure social   curriculum — which draws from
         and UAE before a chance encounter   media, it also advises subscribers   teaching-learning pedagogies of Dr.

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