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         Managing AI


                                                                             LAWRENCE FRAY

                 ATIONS ARE VYING FOR ARTIFICIAL INTEL-   All school teachers must become
                 LIGENCE (AI) supremacy, businesses are har-
                 nessing it for their own ends and educators need   familiar with Chat GPT as soon as
         Nto come to terms with it. It’s clear that its poten-  possible. They should utilise its speedy
         tial benefits can revolutionise teaching-learning processes,
         improve learning outcomes, and facilitate student success.   capability to produce lesson plans,
         It can help teachers plan, assess and evaluate learners as   worksheets and assessments
         groups and individuals, and enable them to draw important
         inferences from student data to inform their own teaching
         and formulate plans for whole school development.   sheets and assessments for specific age groups on any topic
         Chat GPT. Chat GPT is an AI chatbot that provides con-  when properly prompted. Moreover as a lesson planning
         versational responses based on its immediate evaluation   tool, it is truly a blessing.
         of the user’s requirements. However, the responses need   Practice.  The teachers’ community should accept that
         to be checked before incorporating them into any official   Chat GPT can do homework, projects and assignments ef-
         communication as Chat GPT can, and does, make mistakes   fectively if an enterprising student prompts it with appro-
         although it continues to learn and improve. Download it to   priate vocabulary. However, at the time of writing, Chat
         your computer and your phone and ask it what you will;   GPT’s work cannot be submitted in its raw state. Obviously,
         it’s always ready to help. And, at the time of writing, it’s   Chat GPT’s output needs to be read through and properly
         free-of-charge.                                  checked. But one must bear in mind that AI is always learn-
           Chat GPT is becoming popular because it can interact   ing and its database continues to evolve.
         with students as smoothly as a human. It can match its com-  The discerning teacher should be able to differentiate be-
         munication level to the learner’s so there are no barriers to   tween authentic student output and AI-generated answers.
         comprehension. Better still, the learner’s self-confidence   But doing so is likely to lead to much classroom tribula-
         increases as she is in charge of terminating the conversation   tion and argument. Instead, a form of flipped, or blended,
         at the click of a mouse.                         learning will become prevalent, where homework is used
           Students can certainly use AI to improve learning. It has   for class preparation in answer to a series of prompts from
         become the quintessential tutor with an ever-expanding da-  the teacher, and the classroom becomes a place for learn-
         tabase greater than any individual could have hoped for.  ing verification, collaborative work, presentations and feed-
           Inevitably, there is a downside. Chat GPT could be used   back, and individual target setting.
         to sidestep the learning process by commanding it to churn   Assessment. Curricula which incorporate assignments
         out essays and solutions without the student making the   into summative grading have good cause to be worried. The
         necessary effort to engage with the teacher’s lessons. Yet a   safest ways forward are: no assessment without supervi-
         basic law of education, which states that ‘effective learning   sion, coursework plus viva (discussion with the teacher),
         is proportional to effort’ cannot be circumvented. True, in   and presentations to the class with questions to follow.
         a matter of seconds, Chat GPT can provide a completed as-  Evaluation. This is another blessing for teachers and insti-
         signment that otherwise would take a student substantial   tutional managements. AI can provide meaningful data in
         time and effort to research and produce. But such misuse   several formats, allowing for effective data-driven learning
         of AI-based learning platforms not only replaces proper   that identifies individual strengths and weaknesses. Such
         learning with easy solutions (with disaster looming when   powerful methods of tracking student progress allow teach-
         examination time comes around), it also hampers the de-  ers to adapt their teaching to drive student success. How-
         velopment of critical thinking and problem-solving skills of   ever, it’s important that the collection and use of student
         students. More seditiously, it can trivialise the importance   data must be transparent, ethical and explained in keeping
         of teacher-student interaction.                  with best educational practice and legal requirements.
           In short, there are great differences between a student’s   Soon, schools will be compelled to issue policy state-
         use of Chat GPT to clear doubts and another who deploys it   ments on the use of AI. Rules should advise them to resist
         as a homework-generator. Like all discoveries throughout   the temptation of using AI as an ‘easy fix’. Support should
         history, it is the user’s intention, rather than the creation   be provided by way of seminars on the proper use of AI to
         itself, which determines the consequences.       students and parents. A consensus should be derived that
           Against this backdrop, let’s examine the role of AI in four   AI-generated output should not replace learning to the det-
         main areas of the teaching-learning transaction.  riment of developing students’ cognitive capabilities, criti-
         Planning for learning. All school teachers must become   cal thinking and problem-solving skills.
         familiar with Chat GPT as soon as possible. They should   (Lawrence Fray is a Gurugram-based educational consultant, teacher
         utilise its speedy capability to produce lesson plans, work-  trainer and curriculum designer)

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