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         Enlightened edupreneur                                            including scientific editors, graphic
                                                                           designers, and lecturers, provide
                                                                           engaging digital content to university
                                                                           students and working professionals
                                                                           in the Global South to enable them to
                                                                           acquire the latest applicable knowl-
                                                                           edge drawn from German universi-
                                                                           ties and industry. It’s important to
                                                                           note that DADB is not an engineer-
                                                                           ing education platform like Coursera
                                                                           and EdX. We own and produce our
                                                                           own content and provide short-
                                                                           duration — two/three-week summer
                                                                           and winter programs for university
                                                                           students, and year-round programs
                                                                           for professional engineers to learn
                                                                           and apply latest technologies from
                                                                           German industry. The purpose is to
                                                                           make university students job and
                                                                           start-ups ready and provide profes-
                                                                           sional engineers cutting edge knowl-
         Schröder (centre) in EW Bangalore office: cutting-edge German technology offer  edge advantage,” says Schröder.
                                                                           Future plans. With German com-
            n the provision of education ser-  Fraunhofer, Siemens, Rohde and   panies including Mercedes-Benz,
            vices and attracting students from   Schwarz, Nokia, Intel, and Qual-  BMW, Volkswagen, Bosch, Thyssen-
         Iabroad, the Federal Republic of   comm.                          Krupp, and Airbus, among others,
         Germany (pop. 85 million) — Eu-    Moreover, several top-ranked   having established excellent reputa-
         rope’s wealthiest and most techno-  universities in India have partnered   tions in India, Schröder is bullish
         logically advanced country — is an   with DADB for student and faculty   about DADB’s prospects in this
         also-ran despite higher education   programs. They include BITS-Pilani,   country. “We have already received
         being provided almost free of charge   IIIT-Kottayam, Lovely Professional   a warm welcome from the academy
         to all, including foreign students.    University, Bennett University, and   and industry. I believe our engineer-
           This is a situation that Dr. Ing   R.V. College, Bengaluru.     ing upskilling programs can give a
         (Engineering) CARSTEN SCHRÖDER,   History. An industrial engineering   huge productivity push to India’s
         co-founder and Managing Director of   graduate of the Technical Univer-  youth and industry,” says this highly-
         the German Academy of Digital Edu-  sity of Berlin, research scholar at   qualified and accomplished educa-
         cation (DADB, estb. 2018), wants to   the Fraunhofer Research Society,   tor-entrepreneur with a sharing and
         change. “We intend to bring cutting-  Berlin for six years and Managing   caring mindset.
         edge world-class technology knowl-  Director of the National Academy of      Dilip Thakore (Bengaluru)
         edge from Germany to engineering   Engineering, Munich for a decade
         students and corporates in India and   (2001-2011), in 2015, Schröder went   Happiness evangelist
         countries of the Global South, which   solo and established S2M, a Berlin-
         includes South Asia and Africa,” says   based technology transfer “science to
         Schröder.                        market” company. Three years later     OGESH KOCHHAR, an arts
         Newspeg. Last month (June), Dr.   in 2018, he also promoted DADB to     and business management
         Schröder embarked on a tour of   “transfer globally-admired engineer- Ypostgrad of Punjab Univer-
         India, visiting DADB’s potential and   ing knowledge in higher education   sity and the American Graduate
         existing partners. DADB’s online up-  from Germany to the world, and   University (Miami), and HARVANSH
         skilling programs cover a wide range   particularly to India and the emerg-  CHAWLA, an alum of Delhi Univer-
         of new-age engineering technologies   ing countries of Asia and Africa.”   sity and a Supreme Court lawyer of
         such as 5G, advanced communica-  Direct talk. “DADB is the first com-  25 years standing, are co-founders of
         tion networks, electro-mobility,   pany to share Germany’s globally   the YOL (YourOneLife) Foundation,
         Industry 4.0 / Internet of  Things,   respected engineering expertise.   Dharamshala (YOLF, estb.2019).
         renewable energy and bio-mass    From our studios in Berlin, a team   Following five years of deep research
         technology. Corporate clients include   of 50 highly skilled professionals,   the foundation has developed a

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