Page 66 - EW JULY PDF
P. 66


         Fear, not love                                   no-hope backgrounds have been auctioned, bought and
                                                          sold for crores of rupees, earning huge playing fees and
               LTHOUGH PRIME MINISTER MODI GAVE A         transforming into millionaires. Moreover, cricket stars
               good account of himself in his recent state visit   from the world over have lined up to participate in this
         Ato the US and perhaps even charmed President    tournament.
         Biden and the general populace, Modi bhakts should   This cornucopia is in sharp contrast to the pre-new
         resist the temptation to interpret this bonhomie as blan-  millennium era when BCCI was controlled by govern-
         ket endorsement of BJP rule over India during the past   ment. The match fees paid to our great cricket stars of
         decade. That the word ‘democracy’ was mentioned over a   yesteryear such as Vinoo Mankad and Polly Umrigar
         dozen times in the speeches of the two leaders, is a subtle   aggregated Rs.500 per test; they travelled to test match
         indicator that the US expects the Modi administration   venues by second class train and lived in poky three-star
         to practice democracy in the full sense of the word, i.e,   hotels. Today, following the vast riches in BCCI coffers,
         improve its human rights, especially its minority rights   even Ranji Trophy (inter-state tournament) and junior
         protection record, if it is to expect large-scale American   cricketers travel by air and are accommodated in five-star
         technology transfer and investment.              hotels, making it a win-win situation for all. Time for lefty
           There’s no doubt that the US establishment has been   and bolshie academics to acknowledge that free markets,
         spooked by the astonishingly swift rise of Communist   aka capitalism, works.
         China into a high-tech superpower capable of challenging
         the US in the global arena. As recently as 2001, the US   Disappointment twice over
         had smoothed the way for China to enter the WTO as a
         less developed country entitled to duty-free imports into
         the US, and American multinationals such as GM, GE and   EWS THAT HDFC BANK AND HDFC (Housing
         Apple were officially encouraged to establish large sup-  Development Corporation) Holdings have merged
         ply chain subsidiaries in the People’s Republic of China   Nto form HDFC Bank, the fourth largest lender
         (PRC). Furthermore, research students from China were   in the world by market cap, is a great leap forward for
         given free passes into American cutting edge technology   an economy whose housing stock is arguably the worst
         establishments.                                  worldwide. Over 80 percent of the country’s 260 million
                                                          households live in dilapidated homes averaging 500 sq. ft
           Only recently has the American polity become aware
         that the assumption that liberalisation if not democracy,   in urban India, and in rural India a large number of fami-
                                                          lies live in thatched roof dwellings. Hopefully the merged
         would spread in China as it prospered, was a monumental
         mistake. Now with China having grown into a Franken-  entity will extend its operations to affordable housing for
                                                          the masses which was its prime objective when HDFC
         stein ready to absorb Southeast Asia into its sphere of   was promoted way back in 1977. However, this objective
         influence, only the world’s most populous country with a   has remained unrealised because the corporation has re-
         430 million middle class can be transformed into a coun-  stricted itself to providing term loans to the urban middle
         terweight to the PRC. It’s not love of PM Modi, but fear of   and upper classes.
         President Xi Jingping, who far from liberalising modern   This landmark initiative has poignant memories for
         China, is tightening the grip of the 100 million-strong   your correspondent because as founding-editor of Busi-
         all-pervasive CPC (Communist Party of China) over the   ness India, I strongly supported the promotion of HDFC,
         country, that has prompted the American re-discovery of   India’s first housing loans company launched due to
         India. Modi bhakts, please note.                 determined efforts of the late H.T. Parekh (1911-1994). I
                                                          was indignant that housing loans long-established in the
         Capitalism works                                 UK (as building society loans) were not permitted under
                                                          India’s cock-eyed socialist dispensation. Therefore when
                                                          HDFC acquired the all-important licence to dispense
              HE REASON WHY INDIA’S LANDMARK economic     home loans, we fully endorsed its promotion and cel-
              liberalisation and deregulation initiative of 1991 has   ebrated it in print. To the extent that when HT's nephew
         Tnot delivered double digit rates of annual economic   Deepak Parekh was appointed managing director — a
         growth it should have during two decades past, is because   classic case of nepotism which was criticised by bolshie
         closet commies and bolshies within the Academy are not   journalists — we justified it.
         yet convinced that capitalism aka free markets, is the   However when EducationWorld was launched in 1999
         best prescription for rapid economic growth. This despite   and was struggling to remain afloat, Deepak – a power-
         overwhelming evidence that the world’s wealthiest coun-  house in Indian finance —  declined to support it notwith-
         tries — including communist China — are free market   standing our commitment to raising standards in public
         economies.                                       education, the sine qua non of national development.
           Evidence that free markets work best is provided by   Simultaneously, he made no effort to lead HDFC into
         the recently concluded Indian Premier League Cricket   the affordable housing segment, which could have been
         Championship. Since the highly monetised limited (20)   essayed by cross-subsidisation of interest rates. Therefore
         overs championship matches began in 2008, the Board of   well into the 21 century, India remains a country for the
         Control of Cricket in India (BCCI) has become the world’s   middle class, of the middle class and by the middle class
         wealthiest cricket governing council. In the recently con-  in which over 800 million citizens, deprived of half-
         cluded IPL 2023, revenue aggregated a massive Rs.9,978   decent education, live in shanties that are an affront to
         crore. Dozens of cricket players from obscure towns and   human dignity. A disappointment on two counts.

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