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         radical reforms including   prime minister would have
         devaluation of the rupee   placed contemporary India   CITIZENSHIP REGIMES, LAW &
         and liberalising the Exim   on a par with China. But   BELONGING: THE CAA & THE
         policy introduced during   successive governments at   NRC
         PVNR’s five-year term are   the Centre, including the   Anupama Roy
         astonishing, given that   two-term Narendra Modi    OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
         simultaneously he had to   government, have failed to   Rs.1,495; 270 pp
         deal with major political   sufficiently take the 1991
         problems including de-   reforms forward.
         molition of the “politically       DILIP THAKORE
         explosive” Babri Masjid                          to reside in Transvaal.   The power of the
         scam which upended the  Citizenship              But the identity card     State to determine
         (1992), the Harshad Mehta
                                                          involved profiling Indians
                                                                                    membership of
         stock market (1992), while   imbroglio           with photo mugshots and   political communities
         undertaking several dip-                         fingerprints, which the   and people's power
         lomatic initiatives in the                       protesters believed was   to challenge the State
         Far East. All this and more   N CITIZENSHIP      an affront to their dignity   are discussed
         without upsetting Sonia    Regimes, Law, and Be-  as they were being treated
         Gandhi whose mole within  Ilonging: The CAA and   like criminals.
         the government was the   the NRC, Anupama Roy       The second moment     have found a new iteration
         Machiavellian Arjun Singh.   examines the form and   is borrowed from Saadat   in the 21st century.
         Sonia’s support as chief of   content of recent changes   Hasan Manto’s short   In chapter one titled
         a faction in the Congress   to citizenship laws in India   story, Toba Tek Singh. In   Hyphenated Citizenship:
         party was necessary for   by placing the Citizenship   the midst of the violence   The National Register of
         the survival of the PVNR   Amendment Act (CAA,   wrought by the Partition of   Citizens, Roy contends
         government.              2019), the National Regis-  India in 1947 and discord   that NRC through the
           The consensus of       ter of Citizens (NRC), and   between the newly-formed   judicial route and the
         opinion is that Rao was a   the Land Border Agree-  nations of India and   CAA through the legisla-
         reluctant reformer driven   ment (LBA, 2015) in their   Pakistan on most mat-  tive route introduced two
         by the IMF and adverse   historical, ideological, and   ters, the two governments   distinct ways of determin-
         economic circumstances to   political contexts.   concurred on the exchange   ing Indian citizenship. The
         initiate his path-breaking   The power of the State   of ‘lunatics’. The inmates   NRC in Assam became
         reforms. The author dis-  to determine one’s mem-  of the lunatic asylum how-  a citizenship register for
         misses this charge head on.   bership of a political com-  ever resisted the madness   people of Assamese origin
         Proof was that throughout   munity and the people’s   outside. They refused to   as well as for identifying
         his term, PVNR retained   power to challenge state   be boxed into either India   ‘illegal migrants’, who were
         the industry portfolio to   power are the two types of   or Pakistan. If Partition   incarcerated in detention
         implement his reforms    powers that Roy alludes   created new boundaries   centres. CAA made religion
         agenda. As a result, annual   to at the beginning of the   for India and Pakistan,   a criterion for determin-
         6-7 percent GDP growth of   book. These allusions are   the madness of Partition   ing those amongst illegal
         the economy has become   elaborated with reference   violence smudged the   migrants who were eligible
         the new minimum and      to two historical moments.   boundaries between lunacy   for Indian citizenship by
         India’s middle class is the   The first moment was   and rationality.     naturalisation.
         world’s largest and most   the people’s non-violent   The two moments from   Chapter two is titled
         high-potential market.   resistance in the South   the early and mid-20th   Bounded Citizenship:
           But public memory is   African province of     century display the expan-  The Citizenship Amend-
         short and the strategic role   Transvaal led by Mahatma   sive power of the State to   ment Act 2019, where Roy
         PVNR played in placing   Gandhi against state    impact affective ties. At   examines the discourses
         India on the free markets   power. The people, largely   the same time, they reflect   surrounding the CAA and
         road is interred with his   Indians, were protesting   the power of the people   notes that the category
         bones. Had they been     against the imposition of   to resist the State, and   of ‘illegal migrant’ had
         continued to their logical   the Transvaal Registra-  raise questions about the   acquired a connotation
         conclusion, the radical   tion Act (1906) because it   relationship between legal   that differs from the NRC.
         economic reforms intro-  created an identity card for   rationality and the power   While the CAA sought
         duced by this accidental   non-whites, who wanted   of the law. Those moments   to stretch citizenship

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