Page 158 - EW December 2023
P. 158

cover Story ew india PreScHool rankingS 2023-24

         top-ranked anganwadis in 3 metros

         Since 2018 EW has
         been ranking the
         best government-run
         anganwadis in Mumbai,
         Delhi and Bengaluru with
         the objective of their serving
         as role models for the
         country’s neglected 1.34
         million anganwadis

                he challenge in Indian edu-
                cation is to radically im-
                prove teaching-learning not
         tonly for middle class chil-
         dren in fees-levying private schools,
         but also for children in neglected
         free-of-charge government schools   Anganwadi Kendra, Hosur Road, Koramangala children: Bangalore Top 3
         which grudgingly host 52 percent of
         the country’s 260 million in-school   database of 469 sample respondents   inadequate to provide nutrition, let
         children. In 2018, in the cause of   comprising anganwadi teachers and   alone professionally administered
         supporting the Central government’s   SEC (socio-economic category) ‘C’,   ECCE.
         ICDS (Integrated Child Development   ‘D’ and ‘E’ parents in Delhi, Mumbai   Ab initio,  EducationWorld has
         Services)  programme  (estb.  1975),   and Bengaluru.             been demanding and has also repeat-
         EducationWorld introduced the first-  “Sample respondents were asked to   edly published a detailed roadmap
         ever ranking of government angan-  rate anganwadis that they were aware   coterminously with presentation of
         wadis — essentially nutrition centres   of under six parameters on a ten-point   the Union Budget for mobilizing an
         for lactating mothers and children in   scale. These parameters were compe-  additional Rs.110,000 crore for the
         the age group 0-5 years from poorest   tence of teachers, infrastructure, in-  ICDS programme (see https://www.
         households, which are also mandated   dividual attention to children, nutri-
         to provide early childhood education   tion/child care, safety and hygiene,   2023-24-260-million-children-short-
         — in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore to   and leadership quality. Preschools   changed-again/), to little avail. But
         serve as models for the country’s 1.34     assessed by less than 25 persons were   with  the  National  Education  Policy
         million anganwadis.              eliminated from the rankings exercise.   2020  having  mandated  compulsory
            However in 2020, because of the   All  the  parameters  are  given  equal   professionally provided ECCE for all
         pandemic lockdown of all education   weightage except competence of fac-  children in the age group 3-5, there
         institutions including anganwadis,   ulty which is given double weightage,”   is  widespread  expectation  that  the
         the rankings were discontinued for   says Premchand Palety, chief ex-  Union Budget 2024-25 will make
         two years —  2020-21 and 2021-22.   ecutive of C fore explaining the rank-  larger provisioning for early childhood
         With resumption of in-person learn-  ings methodology especially devised   education.
         ing across the education spectrum,   for government anganwadis.     Meanwhile, in the pages following,
         anganwadi rankings in these met-   In the Union Budget 2023-4,    we present league tables ranking the
         ros was resumed in 2022-23 and is   the Central government allocated   top anganwadis in Mumbai, Delhi and
         continued in 2023-24. To rate and   Rs.20,554 crore for the ICDS pro-  Bengaluru. The objective of this limit-
         rank the best in these three metros,   gramme — a mere Rs.2,569 per child   ed exercise is to acknowledge the good
         field researchers of the Delhi-based   per year for the estimated 80 mil-  work being done by these role mod-
         market research company Centre for   lion infants enrolled in the country’s   els with the hope that the budgetary
         Forecasting and Research (C fore)   1.34 million anganwadis. This sum of   allocation for India’s short-changed
         interviewed a specially constituted   Rs.214 per month per child is clearly   anganwadis will be increased.

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