Page 163 - EW December 2023
P. 163

facilities, decent pay scale,   and local communities.   writing is a mix of frustra-  the inspirational message
         and a supportive environ-  Community members     tion with field realities   of the book which also
         ment, but even despite a   demonstrate pride in   with the romance of want-  draws attention to large
         lack of all of this. In ‘The   government schools that   ing to bring about change.   scale government apathy
         Ideology of Education’   genuinely work to improve   It is titled Is Bahakti hui   towards education.
         (pp. 116-118), he discusses   the learning outcomes   Duniya ko Sambhalon   In the final chapter
         two studies that argue that   of children. Building   Yaaron, which although   titled ‘The Importance of
         there’s no substitute for   communities of teachers,   Behar does not translate   being Stubborn’, Behar
         public education in pro-  through teacher volunteer   into English, means ‘man-  stresses the importance of
         viding quality education at   groups, has proven time   age this delusional, misled   zidd — firmness of resolve.
         the grassroots.          and again to be effective   world’.              It takes tremendous
           Two important school   in improving pedagogic     Presented at the end   resolve to break barriers of
         practices that can be    inputs.                 of the innumerable field   caste, gender, corruption,
         culled from the anecdotes   This book is divided   experiences carefully nar-  and resist the pressures of
         that Behar shares        into six parts. Loosely   rated by the author, it is a   the bourgeoise. “We must
         highlight the importance   grouped under themes,   cry from the heart, high-  all be ziddi together, with
         of community. School-    every anecdote, in which-  lighting that enormous   a shared moral purpose…”
         community partnerships,   ever part it may have   commitment and zeal is   he concludes (p. 372).
         where community          been placed, can be read   required to work in the   Although he wrote it in
         members contribute       independently. But Part   field of education. There   2016, the condition of
         towards improving the    VI, the conclusion, is most   are people with excep-  education at the grassroots
         quality of education that   intriguing. The writing in   tional calibre and pas-  hasn’t changed. We must
         their children receive,   Part VI brings to the fore   sion for teaching who are   continue to be ziddi
         has greatly improved     the mix of emotions that   bringing about real change   together.
         relationships between    Behar has experienced in   in the lives of children   toolika wadHwa (The
         teachers, administrators   his extensive travels. The   across the country. This is   Book Review)

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