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         the-best or gating. And   collection and disburse-
         although Mani recounts   ment power to local        a matter of the heart:
         the monumental work and   governments in every civic   education in india
         effort he invested in vari-  ward countrywide. If these   Anurag Behar
         ous initiatives abroad in-  constitutional amend-   westland books
         cluding Pakistan, the plain   ments are enacted in spirit   rs.599
         truth is that diplomatic   and substance, under the   Pages 375
         ties and relationships with   principle that local com-
         these countries, rather   munities best maintain
         than improving, have dete-  their backyards, the coun-
         riorated. Of course that’s   try would be much better   caregiving professions,   a valuable narrative
         not his fault.           governed.               including medicine, ac-   recounting stories of
           However, on the major    Be that as it may,    counting, protective forc-  dedicated teachers
         issues of economic de-   although Memoirs of a   es, and law that require   transforming the
         velopment — imposition   Maverick reeks of un-   close interaction with the   lives of students in
         of the inorganic social-  earned privilege, there’s   primary stakeholders,   nondescript villages
         ist development model,   no denying parallely, it’s   patients, clients, etc, a cer-  and far-flung sites
         India’s stagnant rate of   an engaging social history   tain level of detachment is
         economic growth through   of post-independence In-  warranted, for retaining
         the 1960s-80s, the neglect   dia recounted from an elite   distance and maintain-  Apart from personal
         of education and mass    perspective. Almost all the   ing professional behav-  commitment and actions
         poverty and immiserisa-  men and women — espe-   iour. All these rules are a   of teachers, Behar also
         tion of two generations of   cially the Nehru-Gandhi   hindrance in the practice   highlights the important
         free India’s children under   dynasty and its genuflect-  of the teachers’ profession.   role of government in edu-
         the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty   ing servitors — are named   In this vocation, one must   cation. Through various
         — Aiyar, who married well   and a few shamed in this   be passionate and care   policies that work against
         and sired three children   eminently readable ac-  deeply and genuinely for   teachers, such as recruit-
         who are inevitably well-  count of life in the Indian   students. This is evident in   ing teachers at various
         placed in India and abroad   Foreign Service and Lu-  the hundred-odd anec-  pay levels and inadequate
         — has little to say. Ditto   tyen’s Delhi. Perhaps the   dotes that Behar shares in   funding, the government
         the Emergency (1975-77)   best is yet to come.   this volume.             has largely relegated pub-
         which he “hated”, though           diliP tHakore    Behar’s extensive     lic schools to the sidelines.
         he continued to faithfully                       fieldwork covers hith-   Behar argues that despite
         serve and eulogise the                           erto ignored villages and   the widespread prevalence
         Nehru-Gandhi dynasty.    inspiring field         nondescript sites. The   of private school educa-
           Nevertheless on one                            book is a valuable source   tion, it is government/
         count during his long                            tapping into stories that   public schools that can
         career in government,    report                  would have been lost to   make real impact.
         Aiyar did make a no-                             history. Documentation of   He admits the ability of
         table contribution to the      NUraG BEhar       the changes made by the   private players to provide
         national development           has rich experi-  work of Renu Upadhyaya   low cost education. But
         effort by conceptualising  aence in the field    in Uddham Singh Nagar,   according to him, low fees
         the Panchayat Raj and    of education by way of   Uttarakhand; Shobha in   charging private schools
         Nagarpalika — local self-  working with the Azim   Gulbarga, Karnataka, and   are “parasitic” in their
         government — Bills which   Premji Foundation and   teachers and principals   exploitation of the labour
         eventually transformed   travelling extensively at   in different parts of the   market. It is left to the in-
         into the 74th and 93rd   the grassroots level. Like   country, is a reminder for   dividual teacher who even
         Amendments to the Con-   others who have worked in   teachers to maintain com-  if dissatisfied with the
         stitution. It’s a pity these   the field, he argues that in   mitment and zeal towards   workplace, to somehow
         Bills despite having been   the end, good education is   their work, wherever they   find the inner strength and
         sanctified by inclusion in   ‘A Matter of the Heart’.   are. These are motivation-  resolve to provide quality
         the Constitution, remain a   This insight is a clear   al stories of transforming   education to students. A
         dead letter because selfish   indication of how the pro-  the lives of students and   committed teacher teaches
         state governments refuse   fession of teaching is un-  inspiring hope, peace, and   with her heart not because
         to transfer property taxes   like any other. With other   possibilities.  of good infrastructural

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