Page 42 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 42

Cover Story

         Lt. Gen. Arjun Ray               ucation. In my opinion, a culture of   the thinking and problem solving
         CEO, Indus Trust                 reading, research and project-based   skills of our children.
                                          learning must start in secondary   • I expect the new curriculum
                                          school. The new national curriculum   national framework to prepare
                                          should encourage children to create   India’s children for Industry 4.0 by
                                          new knowledge and apply it.      introducing digital literacy, compu-
                                          Integrate thinking skills. The new   tational thinking, financial literacy,
                                          NCF should stimulate the creation   communication, collaboration,
                                          of content that encourages children   higher order thinking, and creativity
                                          to think and learn differently. It is   skills. The NCFSE and NCF should
                                          important for students to unlearn   suggest ways and means to teach
                                          rote learning. This can happen only   social, emotional, ethical learning
                                          if they are encouraged to question   and global citizenship. Additionally,
                                          the relevance of knowledge, cultural   it should advise teachers to look out
                                          biases and mental conditioning.  for skill development internships
                                                                           and vocational education opportuni-
                                          Shishir Jaipuria                 ties for their pupils.
                                          Chairman, Seth Anandram Jaipuria Group of   • A notable feature of NEP 2020
                                          Educational Institutions         is the high importance accorded to
              t. Gen. (Retd.) Arjun Ray,                                   multidisciplinary education. I am
              PVSM, VSM is chief execu-        hishir Jaipuria is chairman of   looking forward to NCFSE to make
         Ltive and managing director of        the Seth Anandram Jaipuria   this happen by providing students
         the Indus Trust (regstd.2001). Over  SGroup of Educational Institu-  flexibility to learn subjects of their
         the past two decades the trust has   tions which comprise 19 schools,   interest. For instance, a student
         promoted the IB (Geneva)-affiliated   five preschools, two B-schools and a   learning physics should also be free
         Indus International Schools in Ben-  teacher training academy with a total   to study history or geography which
         galuru, Hyderabad and Pune which   of 20,000 students. Also chairman of   will be given marks/credits.
         host an aggregate 2,900 children   FICCI ARISE (Alliance for Reimagin-  • To raise Indian K-12 teaching-
         from over 30 countries.          ing School Education).           learning standards to global norms,
         Entrepreneurial skills. I hope the im-  • NEP 2020 has mandated that   the NCF should provide guidelines
         minent NCFSE will highlight the   “curriculum content” is reduced   on how to introduce new pedagogies,
         importance of developing children’s   in all subjects to “enhance essen-  subjects and new assessment meth-
         entrepreneurial skills and compe-  tial learning and critical thinking”.   odologies into Indian education.
         tencies, creativity, critical thinking,   Therefore, I expect the new NCFSE   Teachers should be provided broad
         innovation and ability to reskill and   to prune content load. This will ben-  guidelines to integrate UN Sustain-
         upskill. Primary-secondary educa-  efit schools across the country. They   able Development Goals (SDGs) into
         tion needs to be redesigned to re-  can use the time saved to encourage   their curriculums.
         build the entrepreneurial traditions   discussion, debate, experimentation,   • Beyond knowledge and skills,
         of India.                        tinkering. This will surely improve   NCFSE should also suggest how
         Exams and assessments. School exams                                          to integrate value-
         countrywide should test students’                                            based education into
         ability to apply, evaluate, analyse,                                         class curriculums to
         and infer, instead of memorisation                                           develop sensitive,
         skills. Testing and assessment should                                        empathic, ethical and
         be continuous.                                                               responsible citizens.
         Inclusion and diversity. With rapid glo-                                     Moreover, as pre-
         balisation, cultural boundaries have                                         scribed in NEP 2020,
         blurred, and schools have students                                           the new framework
         from diverse backgrounds and cul-                                            should recommend
         tures. The new national curriculum                                           ways and means to
         should include content which will                                            integrate Indian heri-
         teach children to appreciate our rich                                        tage, culture, plural-
         and diverse cultures.                                                        ism and knowledge
         Research. NEP 2020 accords high                                              systems into school
         importance to research in higher ed-                                         curriculums.

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