Page 43 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 43

tional training school for underprivi-  development in primary-secondary
                                          leged children. These institutions   education. This will improve chil-
                                          together host 30,000 students in   dren’s employability and entrepre-
                                          Uttar Pradesh.                   neurship skills.
                                          • I hope the imminent NCFSE will
                                          encourage school managements to   Dr. Hanif Kanjer
                                          design curriculums that develop the   Founder director, Rustomjee Cambridge
                                          whole child, beyond academics. The   International School, Mumbai
                                          new curriculum framework should
                                          fully integrate non-academic activi-
                                          ties and provide a roadmap to assess
                                          students’ progress towards holistic
                                          education. Simultaneously, it should
                                          suggest ways and means to improve
                                          teacher training programmes.
                                          • I hope it will also suggest how to
         Dr. Deepak Madhok                equip children with the skills and
         Chairman, Sunbeam Group of Educational   strategies to become self-learners.
         Institutions, Varanasi           • NCFSE needs to provide guide-
                                          lines to incorporate environment
               r. Deepak Madhok is chair-  education and the UN Sustainable
               man of the Varanasi-based   Development Goals into school
         DSunbeam Group of Educa-         curriculums. Children from primary
         tional Institutions (SGEI) which in-  through higher secondary, need to
         cludes six CBSE-affiliated Sunbeam   acquire the knowledge and skills to   n alum of Tuck Business
         schools in Varanasi, 17 associate   contribute meaningfully to achieve   School, Dartmouth College
         schools under the franchise model   the SDGs.                     A(USA) and London Business
         in UP, two women’s arts and science   • I hope the new NCFSE will give a   School, Dr. Hanif Kanjer is founder
         colleges, and a free-of-charge voca-  strong push to competency and skill   director, Rustomjee Cambridge In-

          Nishi Misra
          Principal, Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Gwalior

                 n alumna of Allahabad University with valuable
                 teaching and admin experience in several top-
          Aranked schools including Sherwood, Nainital
          and former headmistress of Vidya Devi Jindal School,
          Hisar, Nishi Misra is principal of the Scindia Kanya
          Vidyalaya, Gwalior, ranked India’s #1 girls boarding
          school in the EW India School Rankings 2022-23.
          • NEP 2020 has strongly emphasised tapping and
          developing the creativity of children countrywide. I hope
          NCF will also change the teacher training curriculum to
          teach creativity and innovative thinking.       citizenship to build a harmonious society.
          • All children have big dreams and ideas. The new cur-  • After reading the Kasturirangan Committee Report
          riculum should encourage children to dream big and   and NEP 2020, the new NCF will arouse the creativity,
          leave school with one big idea to pursue. I hope the new   critical thinking, and problem-solving capabilities of
          curriculum will make a break with the past and equip   children countrywide.
          children with the academic competence and emotional   • NEP 2020 has strongly advised all state governments
          quotient to realise their full potential.       to integrate digital literacy and technology into educa-
          • Currently, Indian education has become too academ-  tion. I hope the new NCF will take that forward and
          ics and career oriented. I expect NCFSE and NCF to   provide the benefits of new digital technologies to all
          encourage teachers to teach compassion and awakened   children countrywide.

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