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         quired wide and enriching business                                      and promoted Educorp Con-
         experience in the US, Mozambique,                                       sultants (ECC). She started
         Kenya, India and London.                                                ECC by developing software
           In 2018, Biswas signed up with                                        for IT behemoth Microsoft
         Harvard Business School (HBS)                                           Inc’s children’s products, a
         where the Early Steps Academy proj-                                     bundle of products for Apple,
         ect was conceptualised. “I became                                       among other digital learning
         aware that good quality education is                                    products and services, while
         the prerequisite of personal and na-                                    simultaneously designing
         tional development,” recalls Biswas.                                    curriculums and pedagogies.
           In 2020, she joined the manage-                                         In 2018, she was ap-
         ment consultancy firm Bain & Co in                                      pointed Senior Innovations
         Houston (USA). A few months later,                                      advisor at UPenn GSE and
         she quit and returned to India in                                       was assigned responsibil-
         2021. ESA was registered that very                                      ity to design and develop
         year.                            Kurshan (left): teaching ’em young     innovative curriculums for
         Direct talk. ESA’s global curriculum                                    edupreneurs in the UAE,
         — “one curriculum for the world”   Edupreneur                     India and China.
         — delivered centrally, acquaints                                  Direct talk. “Modelled on UPenn
         children with a diverse menu of con-  programs innovator          GSE’s acclaimed advanced degree
         temporary subjects including entre-                               program in Education Entrepreneur-
         preneurship, cryptocurrency, climate                              ship, our interactive online schools’
         change, space tech and applied math.   ennsylvania (USA)-based    development program blends
         They are taught through the case       BARBARA ‘BOBBI’ KURSHAN    UPenn’s education, business, design,
         study methodology which combines  Pis senior innovations advisor   and engineering curriculums and
         classroom concepts and application.   of the UPenn Graduate School of   research, to develop thoroughly con-
         The global curriculum was incubated   Education’s Global Entrepreneurship   temporary scalable schools. Designed
         in Harvard.                      & Innovation Certificate program.   in a high-flex model with six custom-
           “In schools worldwide, children   According to her, this is a pioneer   isable modules, the program uses
         are learning the curriculum their   online program for education lead-  UPenn’s lean startup curriculum,
         parents were taught, a generation   ers, administrators, edupreneurs,   design thinking, and project-based
         earlier. Therefore, it’s difficult to   researchers and investors.  learning. The entrepreneurship and
         encourage children to learn how to    Newspeg. Last December, Kurshan   innovation certificate programme is
         think and question independently.   was in Bengaluru to lead a two-day   custom-made for entrepreneurs in
         The objective of ESA’s supplemen-  Innovation and Entrepreneurship   education, researchers and investors,
         tary after-school programme is to   Conclave for School Leaders hosted   and people interested in enhancing
         boost children’s confidence in the   by the top-ranked K-12 Inventure   learning outcomes in formal/infor-
         real world by introducing them to a   Academy. The conclave attracted   mal education,” says Kurshan.
         range of modern subjects and 21st   school leaders, subject and cur-  Future plans. With the first UPenn
         century skills that also develop skills   riculum development experts from   GSE conclave in India receiving
         that employers will value in the   across India. UPenn’s objective is to   acclamation, Kurshan believes that
         future,” says Biswas.            generate awareness about the Penn   GSE’s business is set for growth.
         Future plans. Encouraged by the   GSE Entrepreneurship & Innovation   “There’s new and spreading
         excellent public response to ESA’s   Program.                     awareness of the critical importance
         global curriculum, Biswas is bullish   History. A math, computer science   of well-trained teachers to improve
         about the future.                and curriculum alumna of Tulane   learning outcomes in India’s K-12
           “By the end of 2023, our target is   (New Orleans) and Virginia Tech   education, especially schools. Go-
         to double the number of ESA online   universities, Kurshan began her   ing forward, I intend to continue
         subscribers by reaching children   career in 1976 teaching at her alma   our efforts to improve the learning
         in 100 countries. Moreover, during   mater. After a three-year teaching   outcomes of the world’s largest child
         the next five years, we will develop   stint in Virginia Tech, she moved on   and youth population which exceeds
         course content in languages other   to serve in leadership roles in edtech   the total population of the US,” says
         than English,” says this go-getting   companies, for-profits, non-profits,   Kurshan.
         edupreneur.                      private equity firms and educational   A bearer of gifts indeed!
                 Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)  institutions. In 1986, she went solo   Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)

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