Page 58 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 58

International News

         gramme and spent at least five years doing research there.
           While the programme attracted high-calibre talent, it
         failed to draw the star researchers China hopes to entice,
         the researchers found. Those who turned down YTT offers
         had larger annual research grants abroad -- with an average
         of £25,300 (Rs.25 lakh) compared with their peers’ £3,700.
           “For the very best researchers who have opportunities
         to receive funding and build up their own research pro-
         grammes overseas, the YTT programme is much less at-
         tractive than (it was) to researchers who had capability, but
         not the funding to pursue independent research overseas,”
         Dr. Wang told Times Higher Education. The findings also
         suggest that, once they returned home, some YTT scientists
         struggled to “reintegrate into China’s academia”, causing
         their research output to slow down. And once funding and   Moraa Educational Complex, Kabul: forced to shutter
         team size were controlled for, YTT scientists “barely outper-
         formed (overseas counterparts) in terms of publications,”   ticipate in protests against Beijing’” but could also imply
         according to the study.                          that students should develop local communist groups and
           But Dr. Wang doesn’t believe that the finding bodes ill   “mobilise” other Chinese citizens overseas or even engage
         for the programme. “Instead, this finding suggests that the   in industrial espionage, he said, noting that the last would
         effectiveness of the YTT programme reflects both the mer-  “seriously harm the democracy and academic environment
         its (and) strength of China’s talent recruitment initiations   of hosting countries”.
         as well as the weakness (and) structural problems in the
         current scientific funding schemes in the US and the EU,”    AFGHANISTAN
         he says.                                         Varsities downing shutters

         Loyalty oath row                                        THE MAJORITY OF AFGHANISTAN’S PRIVATE
                                                                 universities face imminent closure, with their in-
              CHOLARS HAVE EXPRESSED CONCERN ABOUT               comes having plunged following the Taliban’s de-
              allegations that Chinese Ph D students have been   cision to ban women from higher education. The country’s
         Srequired to sign oaths of loyalty to the country’s   union of private universities said in December that the ban
         government in return for funding. Chinese doctoral stu-  could force 35 out of 140 institutions with 70,000 female
         dents enrolled at several Swedish institutions with support   students on their rolls, to shutter doors. But academics say
         from the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) are required to   the actual number of closures is likely to be much higher,
         sign contracts swearing loyalty to the Chinese Communist   with some suggesting that the union may have come under
         Party and pledging to act in their nation’s interests, reports   pressure from the Taliban to provide a low estimate.
         the newspaper Dagens Nyheter. A clause specifying that   Several researchers speaking with Times Higher Educa-
         a member of the student’s family should remain in China   tion believed that the recent ban on women in universities
         until their return has aroused particular concern, with the   is likely to be the “last straw” for the majority of private
         prestigious Karolinska Institute subsequently imposing a   institutions. Before the ban, women made up roughly 30
         temporary bar on enrolments under CSC scholarships.  percent of Afghanistan’s university students, across public
           Yu-Hua Chen, assistant professor in China studies at Ja-  and private universities. But the number of female students
         pan’s Akita International University, says having to agree   at some private institutions was much higher.
         to such contracts in return for funding is “usual practice”   Already, there have been reports of several universities
         in China. However, he notes the country had become more   shutting down. The Moraa Educational Complex, which
         zealous in controlling the actions and statements of its   includes a female-only university in Kabul, has allegedly
         citizens abroad under Xi Jinping, with the early signs of   closed all but one of its faculties. At the Afghan Swiss Uni-
         change evident around 2013. Since then Chinese students   versity, the medical faculty is closed to all students, while
         began to avoid participating in discussions related to the   the faculties of medicine at Dawat University and Khatam
         South China Sea disputes or over the treatment of Uyghur   Al-Nabieen University — both have large numbers of wom-
         minorities in Xinjiang.                          en students — have informed their students that they will
           Dr. Chen says Western universities would do well to pay   be forced to shutter if the situation continues.
         more attention to the issue, cautioning that the expectation   Although male students whose universities close may be
         of loyalty expressed in the documents could be a “moving   able to continue their studies elsewhere in the country, no
         target”. “It could contain a passive meaning like ‘never par-  such option exists for Afghan women. They have been shut

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