Page 63 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 63

Primary school children in Karnataka: scant attention

         cessfully digitalised is an additional bonus. Moreover even   recognised the Indian economy as a ‘bright star’. Our cur-
         if imperceptibly, the agriculture sector (over 60 percent of   rent year’s economic growth is estimated to be at 7 percent.
         the population is engaged in agriculture and allied activi-  This despite the massive GDP growth slowdown globally
         ties) is also steadily adopting new digital technologies.   caused by Covid-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war. The Indian
           In Budget 2023-24, on the expenditure side, prime im-  economy is therefore on the right track, and despite a time
         portance has been accorded to capital spending which will   of challenges, heading towards a bright future,” said Union
         have a strong multiplier effect within the economy. The   Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her 90-minutes
         Centre’s effective capital expenditure outlay for this year   speech while presenting Budget 2023-24. The Central gov-
         at Rs.13.70 lakh crore is 30 percent higher than in 2022-23   ernment proposes to mobilise Rs.38.50 lakh crore by way
         and 153.7 percent higher than in the pre-pandemic fiscal   of direct and indirect taxes and other income, and spend
         year (2019-20).                                  Rs.35 lakh crore on the revenue account and Rs.13.70 lakh
           This is an especially commendable feature of Union   crore on the capital account — an aggregate Rs.48.7 lakh
         Budget  2023-24.  Despite  a  General  Election  scheduled   crore — commendably restricting the fiscal deficit to Rs.17.8
         for summer 2024, the Modi government has resisted the   lakh crore (5.89 percent of GDP).
         temptation to present a populist budget replete with give-  Dr. Sitharaman’s Budget 2023-24 has received wide-
         aways and tax concessions. Moreover some justifiable relief   spread acclaim from industry and business leaders. Espe-
         has been given to the lower middle class by raising the tax   cially for substantially increasing capital outlay, while re-
         exemption threshold from Rs.5 to 7 lakh per year, and to   ducing the fiscal deficit which has dangerous potential of
         HNIs (high net worth individuals) with incomes above Rs.5   fanning inflation, as our neighbour nations Pakistan and Sri
         crore to prevent capital flight. It might interest lefties who   Lanka have discovered to their great discomfiture.
         habitually trash India’s few surviving world-class business   “FICCI congratulates the Hon’ble Finance Minister
         leaders to learn that dozens of countries are inviting them   for delivering a balanced and progressive Union Budget
         to leave India and migrate to their shores to create employ-  which gives primacy to inclusive growth. The announce-
         ment and pay taxes there.                        ments made today capture the pulse of the economy while
           “In the 75th year of our independence, the world has   retaining credibility both in terms of projections as well

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