Page 55 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 55
“We all have a responsibility to try and make this world better, whether it’s through our work, the causes we
champion, the way that we treat people, or the values we impart to the next generation.” Daniel Lubetzky
T h e F o u n d e r a n d adapt learning experiences to meet the needs of
Chairperson, Dr (Mrs.) all learners. Each learning experience at
Lilly George, of the Shalom is intertwined with activities that
S h a l o m G r o u p o f successfully expose the children to real life
Schools embarked on her situations and learning. Intra and inter-school
journey into the world of competitions, career counselling sessions,
education with a distinct celebrations, are all a part of the Shalom
and strong mission of culture. From coding classes to training in
h e l p i n g r a i s e a performing arts, to webinars and symposiums,
generation that is not to O-labs, to applying different strategies like
only academically sound blended learning, flip learning, the teachers
but one that respects its have left no stone unturned to adapt, innovate
culture, maintains affinity towards all fellow-beings, and revolutionize the teaching learning process
is ethical and a positive contributor in the progress of to equip the future global citizens with the
the society. Shalom is steadily actuali ing those goals requisite soft-skills demanded by the service
by creating a safe and supportive environment for its industry in today’s world. The aim is to make
students, and by providing a perfect balance of our children ‘Future Ready’, fortified with not
academics, sports, artistic and social opportunities. just knowledge but skill-sets required to step
The visionary and foresighted Founder and into and become successful in the global world.
Chairperson, has ensured that the children who come The school fosters an inquiry- based learning,
under her care grow up to be confident, convincing, impressing upon its students to envisage,
committed yet compassionate and caring. Under her innovate and accomplish. Quizzes, MUN
leadership, the Shalom Group of Schools, has sessions, SDG Summit, debating platforms
adopted practices that nurture capabilities, ignite like BEHES & WSC, Ted-Talks, Art and
imagination and promote creativity. At Shalom, Science Exhibitions motivate the students to
children are not just instructed to do, but invigorated investigate, comprehend, filter, analyse,
to ask, to explore,to express and experiment. In the present. These platforms boost their
Shalom culture, the ideas and opinions of the children confidence, enhance their communication
are welcomed and valued. skills, display their theatrical acumen and help
Shalom strives to bring up a generation that is well- to upgrade their technical knowhow, in
equipped for the new social and economic needs of addition to increasing their subject knowledge
the global knowledge economy, which increasingly by researching beyond the text books. The
demands a better-trained, more skilled, and adaptable working of a fully functional Student Council
workforce. Upskilling of the upcoming generation, inculcates planning, execution, administrative,
which is imperative for each child to realize his/her decision-making and leadership skills. The
full potential, is what the Shalom schools assiduously school also sows the seeds of philanthropy and
work towards. compassion at a tender age, by contributing to
Acknowledging that Technology is an influential tool the old-age homes and orphanages exhorting
for transforming learning, the Shalom schools are students to repay to the society.
constantly upgrading themselves to meet the
demands of the highly tech-savvy children. Self-assured, technically sound, articulate,
Technology can help assert and advance relationships adaptable, Shalomites abreast with the work-
between facilitators and students, reinvent our skills are winning the world and creating a
approaches to learning and collaboration, shrink niche for themselves in whatever field they
long-standing equity and accessibility gaps, and venture into.
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