Page 72 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 72


         Devalued                    GAUTAM ADANI: REIMAGINING                     boom.
                                                                                     Gautam Adani’s crit-
         national hero               BUSINESS IN INDIA & THE                       ics — business-illiterate
                                     R.N. Bhaskar                                  lefties who one suspects
                                                                                   are driven more by envy
              HIS IS A TIMELY,       PENGUIN                                       than the public interest —
              well-researched and    Rs.699                  Pages 311             contend that his swift rise
         Tengagingly written                                                       in the industrial firma-
         biography on this epony-                                                  ment has been propelled
         mous business tycoon who                                                  by the grace and favour
         since January 24, has ex-  consequence of a report   One hopes that       of politicians and prime
         perienced a steep decline   published by Hindenburg   this biography will   minister Narendra Modi,
         of fortune, hitherto one of   Research, a tiny (five em-  persuade the citizenry   in particular.
         the largest of the contem-  ployees) US-based finance   into believing that   Modi was chief minister
         porary world.            company. The report      21st century India      (2001-14) of Gujarat state
            In the past three weeks   which has gone viral on   needs 1,000x2 As   when the Ahmedabad-
         — until mid-February     social and print media   (Ambani & Adani) to     based Adani transformed
         when this review was be-  alleges that Adani com-  fulfill its full potential  into a force to reckon with
         ing written — Ahmedabad-  panies are ‘over-valued’                        in India Inc.
         based super-charged      by mysterious offshore                             Yet as he clarified in
         entrepreneur Gautam      companies. According to   three decades is extraordi-  several media interviews,
         Adani’s net worth plunged   Hinderburg, artificially   nary. It is in the tradition   he got his first break into
         from $19 billion (Rs.1.55   boosted prices have been   of G.D. Birla, Walchand   big business due to a
         lakh crore) to $10 billion.   used to raise a mountain   Hirachand, Lala Shri Ram,   liberalised foreign trade
            From being the world’s   of debt by Adani, espe-  J.N. Tata and a host of   policy promulgated by
         third wealthiest individ-  cially abroad.         other enterprising busi-  Congress prime minister
         ual in the global rich list   This biography under   nessmen who in the years   Rajiv Gandhi in 1985.
         published periodically by   review penned by R.N.   between the two World   According to Bhaskar,
         Forbes, a US-based busi-  Bhaskar — an experienced   Wars, established large   when Adani hit upon
         ness fortnightly, Adani’s   journalist (Business India,   business conglomerates in   the idea of establishing
         rank in the league table   Free Press Journal) — was   the teeth of opposition by   the super-modern
         has plunged to #17.      published in late 2022,   minions of the British Raj.   Mundra Port to smooth
            This contretemps      well before the current    Yet perhaps more ac-  exports and imports, the
         prompted cancellation of   debacle.               curately, Adani is more   strangulating red tape that
         a mega Rs.20,000 crore     Reading it is likely to   reminiscent of his hero   all businessmen are heir
         ($2.4 billion) FPO (follow   persuade readers that fail-  and role model, the late   to, was cut by Congress
         public issue) of Adani   ure of the FPO and recent   Dhirubhai Ambani (1932-  chief ministers of Gujarat.
         Enterprises Ltd (AEL), the   setbacks notwithstanding,   2002). From an Aden-  Yet as Bhaskar writes,
         flagship ‘incubator’ com-  the Adani growth story is   based petrol pump atten-  the moot point is that
         pany of the Adani Group.  not over.               dant and later yarn trader,   Adani has never denied
            This precipitous fall in   Indeed, this reviewer   denied funding by gov-  friendship and assistance
         the fortune of the most en-  hopes it will persuade a   ernment-controlled term   provided by politicians
         terprising, go-getting busi-  soft-headed citizenry into   lending institutions and   across all party lines.
         ness leader of recent years   believing that 21st century   banks, Ambani went over   Therefore in the
         whose brilliantly strat-  India needs 1,000 x 2As   their heads to the public to   interests of national
         egised ventures in core   (Ambani and Adani) to   raise mountains of money.   development, Adani
         infrastructure industries   fulfil its full potential and   Before he died in 2002,   constructed Mundra port
         — sea-ports, coal, power   destiny.               he grew Reliance Indus-  which required huge
         generation and transmis-   By any yardstick, the   tries (RIL) into one of   paperwork and licenses. In
         sion, green energy, cement   rise of Gautam Adani,   the wealthiest companies   this unbiased biography,
         production, data sciences,   the fifth child of Shantilal   worldwide (Rs.696,972   Bhaskar demonstrates that
         edible oil imports — kept   Adani, an Ahmedabad   crore in 2022). RIL has   friendship with the prime
         the economy and stock    commodities trader of    created over 250,000 well-   minister may win licences
         market afloat during the   “limited means”, to #3 in   paid jobs that sparked an   and permissions, but the
         pandemic lockdown, is the   the Forbes rich list within   unprecedented consumer   PM can’t help with project

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