Page 69 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 69

can understand the difficulty of the fi-
         nance minister to increase the alloca-
         tion for education. However it is pos-
         sible to improve children’s learning
         outcomes in public K-12 education by
         improved expenditure efficiency and
         reduced wastage.
            “For instance, government — espe-
         cially state governments — could ad-
         dress the problem of reported teacher
         shortages by redeploying teachers
         from schools with surplus teachers to
         schools with too few, instead of inflat-
         ing its wages and salaries bill by re-
         cruiting more teachers. I am pleased
         to note that the Uttar Pradesh govern-
         ment is already availing this option.
         Secondly, in thousands  of govern-  Seetharamu: low productivity bane  Rudra Pratap: substantial increase call
         ment schools the teacher pupil-ratio
         is being maintained at 1:23. Several   both counts,” says Bose, also author of   several positives in Union Budget
         research studies have indicated that   a research paper Exit at the Bottom of   2023-24, Prof. Rudra Pratap, vice
         pupils don’t suffer learning loss if the   the Pyramid: Empirical Explorations   chancellor of the mint new Plaksha
         ratio is increased to 1:40. As demon-  in the Context of Elementary School-  University, Mohali (Punjab), pro-
         strated in my co-authored paper Has   ing in Delhi (2020).        moted with the mission “to change the
         India Spent too Much on Reducing                                  landscape of engineering and technol-
         Class Size? published by University       HE   BUDGET’S   nomi-   ogy education in India and the world”,
         College,  London  (2021),  increasing   T  nal  outlay for education   is disappointed with the nominally
         the average class size in India’s gov-    “without any memory of   greater allocation made for education
         ernment schools could save Rs.1.45        the huge Covid-19 learn-  by finance minister Sitharaman.
         lakh crore — a sum greater than   ing loss” suffered by India’s children,   “The  positives in the budget are
         Union  Budget  2023-24  allocation   especially in bottom-of-the-pyramid   the  33  percent  increase  in  capital
         for education — by way of reduced   households has also disillusioned Dr.   expenditure which will have a great
         salary expenses,” says Prof. Geeta   A.S. Seetharamu, the knowledge-  multiplier effect on the economy.
         Kingdon, professor of education and   able and widely travelled former pro-  Moreover despite a General Election
         international development at Univer-  fessor of education at the Institute of   scheduled next summer, govern-
         sity College London.             Social & Economic Change, Bangalore   ment has resisted temptation to pres-
            Dr. Sukanya Bose, Assistant   (estb.1974).                     ent a populist budget of freebies and
         Professor at the National Institute of   “There seems to be no awareness   higher subsidies. However, there’s
         Public Finance & Policy, Delhi is less   within the government at the Centre   no denying that at 3 percent of GDP,
         diplomatic. “The Union Budget 2023-  or in the states that routine promotion   national expenditure on public edu-
         24  marks  a  further  slide  from  the   of children up the education chain   cation is too meagre. The Central and
         target of reaching 6 percent of GDP   despite the sizeable learning loss   state governments have to find ways
         for the education sector, a promise   they suffered during the Covid pan-  and means to substantially increase
         made to the nation more than half a   demic lockdown will have a cumula-  allocations for public education if In-
         century back and recently reiterated   tive spill-over impact. It will result in   dia’s much proclaimed demographic
         by NEP 2020. Coming on the back of   low-quality graduates and ultimately   dividend is not to become a liability.
         the fourth longest school closure — as   low productivity within the economy.   Since the government is running a fis-
         reported by the UN — spanning more   The finance minister’s run-of-the-mill   cal deficit and cannot allocate funds
         than 500 days, the Union budget had   budget shows no awareness of the   for higher education which is becom-
         responsibility to present a path to-  lockdown of education institutions,   ing increasingly more expensive as
         wards recovery. The unprecedented   especially government K-12 schools. It   Indian industry moves higher up the
         setbacks in children’s lives and their   will exacerbate low workplace produc-  value chain, it should encourage pro-
         education development needed a   tivity which is the bane of the Indian   motion of private higher education
         strong public expenditure push and   economy,” says Prof. Seetharamu.  institutions instead. Simultaneously
         special measures. The budget fails on   Likewise  although  he  discerns   it should raise tuition and other fees

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