Page 57 - The Periodic Table Book
P. 57
Ti Titanium
Discovery: 1791
22 22 26 State: Solid
Forms Uses
Perovskite The titanium plate placed Transition Metals
inside acts as as shield.
This grey, cubic This titanium joint
crystal is made of the can replace damaged
compound calcium bone in body.
titanium oxide.
Sunscreen Artifcial hip joint
This large, deep red
crystal of brookite The titanium
contains titanium dioxide.
dioxide in this
sunscreen blocks
damaging ultraviolet
Body armour (UV) radiation
in sunlight. Drill bit
This drill bit is
This watch hardened with a coating
casing is made of of titanium nitride.
a titanium alloy.
Wristwatch Roller blades
These are crystals
This metal’s shine fades to of the mineral albite.
grey when exposed to air.
frame is
but strong.
Laboratory sample of pure titanium
Named after the Titans, a race of mythic to prepare titanium dioxide, a compound
Greek gods, titanium is a silvery metal. It is of titanium and oxygen that is used in paints
as strong as steel but much lighter, and it is not and sunscreen. Titanium is not toxic so it can
corroded by water or chemicals. This strong be used to make medical implants, such as
metal also makes excellent protective shields artificial hip joints. Wristwatches made
in body armour. Titanium is commonly used with titanium alloys are light and strong. 55
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