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High Output Pocket Farm

                                                    “Generates” Food

                  In The Middle Of A Desert War Zone

                                                                        Hi, my name is Alec Deacon.

                                                                 And I almost got "lynched" for providing for my family

                                                                 and my community...

                                                  I almost got "lynched"… for food!

                     The terrifying screams of my wife and daughter woke me up to my worst nightmare.
                     My family running scared down the stairs in the dead of night, not knowing what

                     happened… tripping over our daughter's toys through the thick smoke, crawling,

                     trying to find the door.

                     Our beau ful house and our beloved, hard-worked farm were turning into ashes
                     right before my eyes.

                     And they didn't take anything. They just wanted to see our farm that we relied upon

                     for our survival burn to the ground.

                     How did that happen?

                     How did we end up getting "burned at the stake" for growing

                                                                      our own food?
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