Page 3 - The Pocket Farm PDF E-Book Download Alec Deacon (Free Doc)
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And that experience forced me to look for an alterna ve on-demand food source.
                     Something that I could use day in and out, something small but hyper-produc ve

                     that would turn acres of greenhouses and seedling farmland into an almost invisible

                     "food generator" without pu ng my family in danger ever again.

                     And I've found it!

                     An amazing inven on that the people of Gaza, living in the middle of a war zone, use
                     to provide an abundance of fresh and healthy food for their families in one of the

                     most arid places on Earth.

                     So s ck with me for the next five minutes, and I'll show you how they speed-grow

                     vast amounts of healthy, high-calorie foods, with no actual backbreaking work, in
                     the middle of the desert, where they can't dig wells for irriga on or get water

                     through pipes.

                     HINT: It's like a pocket-sized "Garden of Eden."

                     But before we get into that, I want you to know why my farm and my house got

                     burned down, why it happened to me, and why, in a way, it might happen to you too.

                            So what I'm about to tell you right now, you might find


                     My fellow patriot, the events that are about to unravel are about to turn your life

                     upside down in the coming months.

                     The media is not saying a word because it would generate mass hysteria and chaos.
                     But the REAL truth I'm about to expose will make even the most tough-minded

                     patriot's blood boil.

                     I'll reveal how a devasta ng "once in a thousand years" event... along with corporate

                     greed and corrup on… are se ng the stage for a social and economic " me bomb"
                     that will detonate right in the middle of the U.S...

                     ... I'll reveal how the impending collapse of the U.S. food supply system will steal the

                     food from your kids' tables... leaving them hungry and helpless and forcing them to
                     scavenge for scraps...

                     ... and I'll explain what you must do today to ensure that you and your family not only
                     survive... but thrive in the upcoming turmoil that's about to hit.

                     So s ck with me un l the end of this very short presenta on (that won't be up for

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