Page 8 - The Pocket Farm PDF E-Book Download Alec Deacon (Free Doc)
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The big corpora ons are desperate for power. They know what's coming, and they

                     have to be at the top of the literal "food chain" when it happens. My small shop, my
                     beau ful greenhouse, my small business… That's something that they cannot have

                     out in the open.

                     That idea of being self-sufficient… being out of their control, out of their dirty reach,
                     that gets other people thinking as well. And soon enough, they might be looking at a

                     food revolu on.

                     I refused to sell, and because they can't control what they don't own, they've burned

                     everything to the ground...

                     And that's what's happening to every li le mom&pop farm and every li le shop
                     trying to make an honest living, providing their loved ones and their communi es

                     with real, healthy, GMO-free food. They're forced to either close, sell… or worse.

                     I'd witnessed first hand what they're capable of...

                         So I knew I had to find an alternative to conventional food


                     Something that would put food on the table, "on demand," for my family and me,
                     without the the logis c nightmare and costs of stockpiling or building a new

                     greenhouse that would put my family in danger again.

                     It had to be something super produc ve, but at the same  me small enough to be

                     invisible even to the trained eye… something that would work both outside and
                     inside the comfort of our home, and something even portable… if God forbid, we had

                     to bug out and leave everything behind to save our lives.

                     Now… having specialized in wilderness survival for over 20 years and being self-
                     sufficient for over half that  me, I have come across a few designs and working

                     principles on "small footprint, high output" farming concepts. But it wasn't

                     something that I was really familiar with. I knew how to grow a good garden, raise
                     chickens, forage, and even hunt if needed. But what I wanted for myself and my

                     family was simply above my level of knowledge.

                     So I reached out to my contacts in the survival and off-grid community, looking for
                     answers on how I could achieve my goal and why we got burned down in the first

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