Page 12 - The Pocket Farm PDF E-Book Download Alec Deacon (Free Doc)
P. 12

Yet greedy banks invested this money into food commodi es like corn and soy
                     because they're way more profitable... so when they went out and bought hundreds

                     of millions of dollars worth of food, the global market took a double punch.

                        And the result was a mass genocide that would make Hitler

                                                                  and Stalin envious:

                     The criminal specula on in commodity prices caused them to soar even higher...
                     causing food infla on and mass starva on.

                     And that's exactly what we're seeing right now. But it's not 2012 anymore… Banks
                     and greedy monopolist corpora ons are not just buying millions of dollars worth of

                     food; skyrocke ng prices again… No… they've ramped up their greed. This  me,

                     they're also inves ng in gene cally modified foods… GMOs.

                     The cover story is they're looking for a way to get the highest possible yields from
                     drought-beaten, underperforming crops. It might have started that way before the

                     big monopolies pushed their way in. Now it's all about power and money. Whoever

                     has the best performing seed controls the market, the price, and the buyer.

                     And that buyer is you and me!

                                        That's why my house and farm got torched.
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