Page 15 - The Pocket Farm PDF E-Book Download Alec Deacon (Free Doc)
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                     And FEMA won't be able to help you... because they can't even help themselves!

                     Having no food turns you into a beast. Ever tried skipping three meals or more? It
                     messes with your head. And you'll have to beg, borrow or steal just to feed your

                     children. During the Great Depression, many children were forced to work on "labor

                     farms" for a hot meal. Wives abandoned their husbands, hoping they would be be er
                     on their own. Thousands of families fell apart... because they lost all hope of

                     surviving together.

                          Yet when food is abundant... you have unlimited options.

                     In a crisis situa on, there's almost nothing that food can't pay for. Car broke down,

                     and you need a new ba ery? Food can get you a brand new one from someone
                     desperate. Need someone to chop wood? In a depression, there will be plenty of

                     people willing to work for a meal.

                     When the unthinkable happens... roles in society are reversed. Being able to read

                     fancy spreadsheets might be useful today... but in a crashing society, it will put you at
                     the bo om of the food chain. Adaptability, strength, and the ability to feed yourself

                     and others - that's what makes you a true leader.

                                         I, for one... decided to put my family first...

                     …to protect my loved ones and our independence no ma er what.

                     I couldn't rely on supermarkets, and neither should any American. Hun ng, fishing, or

                     foraging might also sound like a good idea un l 500 desperate hunters are shoo ng
                     at the same deer.

                     I can't even rely on my land for feeding my family because they'd probably burn us

                     down again, and my sweet Lilly s ll has nightmares from the first  me it happened.

                     So what can we do?


                             My friends that I reached out to from the international
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