Page 19 - The Pocket Farm PDF E-Book Download Alec Deacon (Free Doc)
P. 19
A er I got my first batch of juicy, flavored, and healthy vegetables and my first fish
fillet, I called all my friends and neighbors in the community to share with them this
amazing marvel.
And they were stunned.
They just couldn't believe something this small could produce
so much food that fast.
I probably spent the next three months helping each and every one of them to make
their own miniature hyper-produc ve farm. And each and every me, I got to
witness the avalanche of comfort that takes over people when they realize they
won't ever have to worry about their families and loved ones suffering from hunger,
even in the direst situa ons.
And the results kept coming. More and more people wanted my help in building this
amazing system. It actually got to a point where I was away so much that it started to
affect my marriage.
So, me and my wife sat down and talked, and she came up with this great idea... she
thought I should make some kind of step-by-step tutorial so people could put
together their own "Pocket Farm."
So I went back to Nate and told him about it. I told him this me I didn't want any
academic mumbo-jumbo... this had to be so simple…
My 9-year-old daughter would be able to build it.
We brainstormed together on what would make the ul mate "high output
aquaponics" blueprint for the absolute beginner with zero DIY experience.
I provided the survival and preparedness knowledge... while Nate brought his 10
years of aquaponics research... and the result was nothing short of amazing: a simple,
step-by-step video "blueprint" that anyone can use to make their own aquaponics
system the lazy way.
And Nate did a lot more than that. He managed to cut the building costs by half. So
our total costs: just $190... which included $40 for a pair of extra hands and $75 on a
part that we could have probably go en for free.
We packaged that material into the first ever program on "self-sufficient" aquaponics
and we called it…
"The Pocket Farm - The Smart, Easy Way to Food