Page 14 - The Pocket Farm PDF E-Book Download Alec Deacon (Free Doc)
P. 14

And that's when the real nightmare starts to unfold, because that's when…

                      …The 3rd horseman starts galloping towards the U.S, and his

                                                                     name is "WAR."

                     And more specifically for you and me, it's a 'food war'... and it's hi ng right in the
                     heart of America.

                     For the first  me in almost a century, America is on the edge of a full-blown social

                     and economic collapse. One that will make the Great Depression feel like a rehearsal.

                     People no longer see the food lines, but they're longer than ever. Right now, over 40

                     million Americans are living on food stamps... enough to create a 25-thousand-mile
                     food line that would surround the Equator, and 20 million of them are children. What

                     do you think people will do... when their children look at them with big, sad, teary
                     eyes... saying, "Daddy, I'm hungry?"

                     You've seen how they handled things during the pandemic... all it takes is a few

                     lockdowns of key sectors, and the en re U.S. food supply system freezes.

                     What's really frightening is... the U.S. doesn't even have to be a warzone for you to

                     be unable to feed your family. If trucks can't haul food across America... or if

                     panicked mobs loot the superstores in your area...

                                …Your family is left at the mercy of an incompetent
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