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Digital Product. Image for visualiza on purpose only.
A er we finished it, I showed it to a very small, select group of my best friends and
colleagues from the survival community.
And here's what Mac Slavo, the owner of, had to say:
"This is hands down, the most easy-to-use Aquaponics instruc onal guide I've ever seen.
When we talk about preparedness, food sustainability is at the top of the list, and with
Pocket Farm, you get just that. It's a complete homegrown system that will ensure your
family's safety in the event of long-term interrup ons to our food supply."
The Pocket Farm is the only proven-to-work A to Z blueprint
on how to survive America's upcoming "food war."
And the easiest step-by-step video guide that anyone can use to build their own
"high-output food generator," no ma er if you have no money to spend on a
ridiculous off-the-shelf $10k device.
I put together these simple instruc ons so you can provide fresh, healthy, and tasty
meals for your family no ma er what's heading our way.
No ma er if you don't have the me or pa ence to go through trials and errors… no
ma er if you've never built anything before (not even a set of LEGOs)... no ma er if
you've never done any gardening in your en re life.
Look: when I discovered aquaponics, I knew that I had found a gold mine. The
benefits are nothing short of amazing.