Page 7 - The Pocket Farm PDF E-Book Download Alec Deacon (Free Doc)
P. 7
I grabbed Lilly from her bed, took my wife by the hand, and rushed downstairs. The
smoke was so thick we had to crawl on the living room floor to get to the door. I
reached up to the door handle, and with my last breath, I opened it and literally
threw my wife and Lilly out.
And then it all went dark. The last thing I remember was seeing four men with
gasoline cans and torches in our greenhouse yelling, "Burn it! Burn it to the ground!"
I woke up in an ambulance, ge ng rushed to the E.R., with my wife and daughter
standing next to me, holding my hand.
And I'll never forget what my sweet Lilly said...
"Mommy, is daddy going to die? Are the bad men following
Hearing that… crushed my soul…
When we got to the hospital, the doctors told me it was nothing short of a miracle
that I was s ll alive.
My wife had dragged me out of the house right before it was too late. I suffered
severe carbon monoxide poisoning.
A er I came back from the hospital, I just wasn't myself… I couldn't believe anyone
would do such a thing... It's the stuff I'd expect to see in movies… not in my own
And we were lucky even to have a house. A neighbor had seen the flames and called
911 just in me. We had to rebuild the roof and most of the south wall.
We were lucky. Lucky to be alive.
But even though I was thankful that my family and I were alive, I was so angry. I felt
this choking cloak of anger clouding my judgment.
Why did this happen? What have we done to deserve being burned alive like here cs
in the middle ages? For what?
And the one simple and ro en answer is… MONEY.